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Hot Diff
amalyos - 15/7/07 at 06:54 PM

I've just fitted an open diff (3.38) in place of my 3.62 LSD, and noticed that the diff and CVs seem to get very hot.
I did about a 15mile run (quickly) and the diff is very hot to touch, I can just about hold my hand on it.
I never noticed my old diff getting this hot, is it usual with and open diff?


bob - 15/7/07 at 07:06 PM

My diff gets hot to touch after a good run, i've put it down to the heat traveling down the tunnel from the engine a s the fuel tank is a tad warm too.

I was concerned at 1st but i've asked others and they all sais the same re heat through tunnel.

numnuts - 15/7/07 at 07:14 PM

Don't panic mine used to get very warm even after short run. Steve can you give me a buzz at some point as i dont have your mobile No. I lost my phone and all the numbers.

BenB - 15/7/07 at 07:41 PM

As long as you've got enough oil in it I wouldn't worry. My diff runs pretty hot (but then it was also quite low on oil at once point as I hadn't fitted a diff breather pipe....)....

Macbeast - 15/7/07 at 07:42 PM

The diff on my Nissan 200 SX has cooling fins on it. They're bound to get hot with all that churning about.

ISTR there was a science experiment at school with a copper can fitted with a paddle and a thermometer. as you cranked the paddle, the temperature rose.
This proved that there were easier ways of heating water

smart51 - 15/7/07 at 07:53 PM

A diff loses what, 2% of the power transmitted through it. If your engine makes 150 BHP at peak power then during an enthusiastic bit of driving, you might average 100 BHP, or 74,600W. 1,492W of which is lost in your diff. 1.4kW is probably the power of a small kettle.

amalyos - 15/7/07 at 08:49 PM

Is that why your user name is Smart.

Thanks everyone.

Dion, I'll give you a call tomorrow.

Cheers Steve.

GeorgeM - 15/7/07 at 09:03 PM

Hi Steve,
glad you got it fitted, is there
much difference in performance?


bimbleuk - 16/7/07 at 07:34 AM

If you couldn't touch it then I'd be more concerned. As for the heat coming down the tunnel I cured that on my car by venting either side of the engine bay at the rear. Now the tunnel just gets pleasently warm!

NS Dev - 16/7/07 at 11:59 AM

On mine the CV joints get incredibly hot, certainly hot enough that you can't touch them, and a licked finger sizzles on them.

They are brand new and working just fine, but 25 miles of fairly brutal driving gets them VERY warm.