posted on 6/6/07 at 09:41 AM |
2 words ......... FULL CAGE![](/images//smilies/shocked.gif)
posted on 6/6/07 at 10:29 AM |
I agree with some of the comments on here. Some not.
Firstly i am unsure where this ‘school’ was, looking on the video posted it seems to me that the driver slows down to 40 MPH in the build up area on
the country road where in fact the posted limit for that area is still 60 MPH. Maybe the driver is too careful?
The donut in the junction is in a part I know of, which is an industrial estate where it looks like there are no cars about at the time. A closer look
at the video shows the driver looking twice both ways AND checking his mirror before pulling the crazy stunt. Also ive noticed that as he/she pulls up
and in front of them on the road is lots of skid marks from similar activities. Looks like everyone is at it.
The roundabout part again looks silly but not dangerous even for the driver, no cars are nearby except oncoming traffic on the straight parts, and
this road is also a posted 60 mph limit.
The driver also backs off the throttle where I presume he/she can’t see what’s up ahead. Doesn’t mean they won’t crash, but at least they are aware of
the danger. Doesn’t excuse the type of driving but when you compare this to all those prams that cant drive or don’t have insurance it seems totally
fair to me.
I agree a track is the best place to do this, but to say its safe on a track is OT, safer yes, but not safe.
Out of all the footage on that clip the only part I felt was not expectable was the part where he/she drives around the outside of the 2 cars on the
roundabout. All tho it looks like plenty of room was left to not cause the cars to have slammed on their brakes.
Don’t think he/she hit the limiter in top gear but it wasn’t far off. The sound and revs of the engine make it seem faster than it is and a nice
Saloon car would do the same with ease down the country lane.
There is no excuse for breaking the ‘insane stupid moronic law’.
Sorry about my spelling, im an engineer and only work in numbers.
posted on 6/6/07 at 11:08 AM |
quote: Originally posted by CaLviNx
It is just me or is the original posters vehicle almost 99.9% the same as the one shown in the video, seems like the poster posted a video of
yes it does seem very alike.
Sorry about my spelling, im an engineer and only work in numbers.
posted on 6/6/07 at 11:27 AM |
Wake up at the back! The clue is in the username in both LCB & Youtube
When thinking outside the box doesn't work any more, it's time to build a new box
posted on 6/6/07 at 01:43 PM |
Not a good idea
Have a look at:-
It's really not a good idea to put any in car camera work (that was taken on the road) up on the web, unless you're 100% certain that you
didn't break any laws in any way what-so-ever.
posted on 6/6/07 at 03:03 PM |
quote: Originally posted by CaLviNx
I'm fully awake
its was worded to be ironic nothing more......
Whoops, I must have gone a bit American and missed the irony
When thinking outside the box doesn't work any more, it's time to build a new box
posted on 6/6/07 at 07:12 PM |
Pretty insane driving, all the time on the wrong side of the road...![](/images//smilies/wink.gif)
posted on 6/6/07 at 07:25 PM |
Can't really say I drive much slower in mine when out for a blat, and I can probably go a bit quicker in the 205 as it's geared for 145ish
top end! I have yet to do any donuts in mine though, but it looked like a quiet industrial estate with previous tyre marks, so it's not
un-common there.
Oh, I also try to slow down less for the corners!
“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
My new blog: http://spritecave.blogspot.co.uk/
David Jenkins
posted on 6/6/07 at 07:48 PM |
Anyone thinking of showing themselves speeding, driving badly or generally misbehaving on the road might like to read
this PistonHeads article ...
posted on 7/6/07 at 09:24 PM |
School or not? You Decide!
posted on 7/6/07 at 09:50 PM |
To be fair he did slow down for that corner IIRC, and those speed limits are advisory, not the actual limit. As has been said, watch it without the
sound on, and it all becomes a lot less dramatic.
“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
My new blog: http://spritecave.blogspot.co.uk/
posted on 8/6/07 at 08:04 AM |
quote: Originally posted by ProjectX
School or not? You Decide!
pity its still a 60 limit and i know the driver slowed to 40. Maybe if he had a run of the mill car it would be fine to do 60 here then?
not sure how many schools are open on a saterday anyway.
Think of the children lol.
Sorry about my spelling, im an engineer and only work in numbers.
posted on 8/6/07 at 10:21 AM |
I like this kind of driving! I like it a lot and it gives meaning in my life!, But I am doing it only in a racing track!
Is your right if you want to kill yourself but why kill innecent people in the same time?
I think in this video the lad if he loose his license will be his least of his worries cause If a little child was crossing the road suddently I dont
think so that he will be able to stop on time.
I used to drive like this when I was younger on public roads (in Greece when police is not so robocop) and I ended up spending 6 months in the
hospital onn day cause somebody decided to turn without his indicator on ( I was driving a motorbike and I crashed on the other car)
So people think!!! IS it worth it?
Much better to spent money in a trackday than to doctors or solicitors (if you lucky)
MK INDY fireblade
posted on 8/6/07 at 11:42 AM |
wise words there mate, would have to agree i suppose, but i dont think the driving in the video was that bad or dangerous. Where he entered a
roundabout in the wrong lane and took a racing line round it, he would have been out so fast that the other people didnt really get cut up at all - i
sometimes do that in my ax, nevermind a bec! Provided you check mirrors and indicate as you change lane, it can even be legal IMHO!
posted on 8/6/07 at 07:36 PM |
Although most of us will admit to giving our cars a bit of a workout on the roads when the conditions are right (they looked good in this vid),
putting stuff like this on YouTube is simply asking for trouble IMHO. Even if you are happy that the risk of personal prosecution on the video
evidence is low, in the nanny state we live in these days full of NIMBYs / Environmentalists / do-gooder MPs itching to constantly put the knife into
the evil motorist, vids like this can end up doing us as a car community no favours whatsoever.
Ive personally got no problems with the fast country road driving or most of the overtaking manouvres because Ive done the same, I know that you can
see far better / further than the camera can, and with a quick Locaterfield you can be past cars safely on relatively short stretches of straight road
The bits I don't like seeing though (for two different reasons) are the doughnuts at the end and the roundabout antics.
Regarding the roundabouts, on fairly small tight roundabouts with a raised central island like those in this vid, you can't possibly see and
assess every entry / exit to the roundabout at all times approaching and whilst on the roundabout, so hammering around them in a small, low kit car is
just asking for someone to pull out in front of you not expecting somebody to be coming round so quickly or to be doing two laps rather than take an
exit in the normal way.
As to the doughnuts, I don't think anyone was actually put at risk and it was just a bit of fun, but in conjunction with the rest of the video
it just lends ammunition to those who would argue that the driver is being irresponsible and driving dangerously. The way I look at it, if this video
was from inside a quick Saxo or a tarted up old 3 series Beemer rather than a kit car, I suspect that far more people would be critical of what went
on in the video than they have so far on this thread.
[Edited on 8/6/07 by ChrisGamlin]
posted on 8/6/07 at 10:17 PM |
id agree about the donuts, FWIW.
posted on 8/6/07 at 10:56 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Moorron
not sure how many schools are open on a saterday anyway.
No comment on the vid, but I used to go to school 6 days a week. I didn't go on Sunday!
posted on 9/6/07 at 10:38 AM |
anyone who says they wont drive fast in a 7 type is a lier, come on like why did u build it??
yea, to do exactly what hes just done in that video
[Edited on 9/6/07 by goodall]
posted on 9/6/07 at 05:11 PM |
hey moorron, you went past my road !!
next time your out gimmie a shout
posted on 10/6/07 at 11:52 AM |
lol... so the girlfriend wasnt in the car with you this time dude?
The becs do SOUND alot faster than they are actualy going. My girlfriend gives me a slap, along with "SLOW DOWN", when I make the engine
scream, I reply "but dear, Im only in first gear"