David Jenkins
posted on 4/11/08 at 07:22 PM |
You do have to take the same attitude as bike riders - make sure you're visible by using bright colours (my car's bright yellow &
silver!), position yourself on the road to see and be seen, treat everyone else as homicidal morons, and so on.
I'm not convinced about having headlights on - if you're on a bumpy road it can look like you're flashing your lights (different
from on a bike).
posted on 4/11/08 at 07:33 PM |
I only had a couple of proper nearlies, one was a car pulled out in front of me on a roundabout and I had to stop beside his door. He told me I was
going too fast and should be more careful :O. The other was a people carrier, I was in a filter lane nearly at the end turning left and he was in the
straight on lane but decided to turn left and just indicated and turned in on me, I think I was below the level of his mirrors, I gave him some hooter
but had to stop and let him in. He just carried on as if no one was there I am sure I feel safer on the bike even though I am probably more
vulnerable at least there is Think Bike campaign
yours, Pete
I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.