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Folding nose cone
55ant - 18/10/09 at 08:27 PM

Been working on the car today and its a right pain in the rse takin the 4 bolts out to remove the nosecone, ive seen a couple of people with folding nosecoes, and also one completely removeable, looked like it was attatched to the bonnet,

any advice on how either of these can be achieved would be great, cheers,


Miks15 - 18/10/09 at 08:39 PM

i believe some people use a hinge at the bottom of the nosecone on to the lowest chassis rail at the front,

StevieB - 18/10/09 at 08:48 PM

I have the same gripes about my car.

My mates Lotus 7 uses Dzus fasteners (as do Caterham, I believe), which I think I might adopt for my car at some point.

tomblyth - 18/10/09 at 09:03 PM

I have one bolt at the base of the nose cone and to rubber bonnet catches on the inside edge of the nose , takes seconds to remove ond replace!!

iscmatt - 18/10/09 at 11:37 PM

Originally posted by Miks15
i believe some people use a hinge at the bottom of the nosecone on to the lowest chassis rail at the front,
thats what i did, just cheapo hinges from b&q

dhutch - 18/10/09 at 11:40 PM

I have three duzts fasteners.
- Two each side just the bottom of where the the bonnet and one on the bottom edge of the nose.

Doesnt take that long with a 2p peice.


pewe - 19/10/09 at 10:43 AM

Two small black gate hinge under the nosecone - shortest edges onto the chassis and the longer edges on the nosecone means you can bend the longer edges to match the nose-cone profile.
Dzus fastener either side on the vertical surface just behind the headlight brackets works for me.
HTH. Cheers, Pewe

Marcus - 2/11/09 at 07:51 PM

AS above really, I've used 2 stainless hinges on the lower rail (covered by the number plate). The rear is held down by the bonnet, so no need for any more fixings. I've also used a tether wire to stop the whole thing flopping too far forwards and wrecking the paint. (guess what made me do this....)