Not sure if this is the right place if not Im sure the mods will soon move it.
Quick question regarding throttle bodies for a zetec.
saw these on the bay and wondered if it was a good price. If so will contact the seller to see if they are still available.
I built a manifold like that then decided to go to a Duratec Engine.
It cost me just under £300 after I had bought the inlet manifold (now sold), throttle bodies(keeping)and fuel rail and Injectors.
Throttle bodies go for about £80-100, Fuel rail will cost you £50-£60.
My manifold was new and cost over £100 but I've seen the on ebay for about £80
Injectors were £50.00
If you need a fuel rail I still have it and want to sell it.
I've just picked one of them manifolds up for £36 off eblag.
There was a one went around the same time for £78 which included the WHOLE inlet with plenum, all injectors/sensors and wiring.
I know you have to be careful with eblag but £200 for everything doesnt seem too bad to me.
I havent got the engine yet but have approval from wife to have new wngine when we have moved but Im thinking if I start collecting the bits to stick
throttle bodies on it now I can get a head start
Well that's what I did and spent £300.00 then bought a Duratec - make sure you want a Zetec I thought I did but now trying to sell all the bits
I collected
Dont want anything too obscene in terms of power as its a 4 seater so enough to scare the mrs and the kids but not too much.
Plus the exhaust on the zetec is on the same side as the current engine so no extra holes in bodywork. Duratec is on the other side.
i have just fitted TBs to the zetec
used a st170 manifold £40ish
note that you can use a std mondeo fuel rail for this, bolts straight on. (it will cope with std injectors if the engine is std.)
i fitted gsxr 750s (£70ish) as they are the size at the manifold so easy to find suitable silicone hose.
respacing k1-k3 tbs is easy and costs about £5 using m5 studding and aluminium tube
trumpets are available from the GSXR airbox for <£20
Expesive bit is the suasage filter.