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Removing Exhuast Blueing / Golding
ash_hammond - 3/6/10 at 12:07 PM


After three years of running my stainless exhaust is starting to look very "gold" as you would expect.

Are there any products or methods that can be recommended to restore it to as near to original state as possible.

Someone method brake cleaner but i'm a little scepticle.


-- Ash

BenB - 3/6/10 at 12:08 PM

Frost sell some stuff specifically for this purpose...

Personally I've always used autosol and it's worked (but it's always been pretty mild).

mangogrooveworkshop - 3/6/10 at 12:10 PM

heads up for sovol autosol
Also depends on the grade of stainless.....

BenB - 3/6/10 at 12:10 PM

Here we go

bi22le - 3/6/10 at 12:10 PM

My mate recommended Autosol to me but im yet to try it. I would of thought brasso (or however its spelt) would also work.

GreigM - 3/6/10 at 12:11 PM

autosol or autoglym metal polish and use a machine polisher of some sort (dremmel with polishing/buffing tip etc) - did this on my tin top and worked very well...

flak monkey - 3/6/10 at 12:20 PM

Leave it - I think it looks good

(either that or I just tell myself that as I cant be bothered to keep polishing mine!)

pewe - 3/6/10 at 01:09 PM

Second what Flak monkey says ^^.
I've tried various snake pastes on m/cycle pipes and found them naff all use.
If it's blued or bronzed it shows it's being properly used/thrashed.
Cheers, Pewe

40inches - 3/6/10 at 02:02 PM

You can polish it out, but it will blue the first time you use the car

SPYDER - 3/6/10 at 04:25 PM

Now why would you want to polish all the lovely colour off??

RIE - 3/6/10 at 07:28 PM

Originally posted by flak monkey
Leave it - I think it looks good

Me too. You pay extra to get that effect on bike downpipes