To celebrate the nice weather today I decided to give the car a treat - an engine and gearbox oil change. It was wonderful to work at the front of
the garage in just a rugby shirt*, rather than fleece, overalls, body warmer, etc.
The best thing is - everything just went smoothly, no hitches, hang-ups or other mischief. I even managed to make a dipstick for my gearbox
(something I've been meaning to do for about 8 years).
Sometimes, jobs just get done properly...
The worst thing is that all I can smell now is gearbox oil - my, that stuff stinks!
The car even drove well afterwards, which is always a bonus...
* Note: I was wearing trousers & stuff as well!
Yes is was a lovely day here to.
I got the covers off the car or the first time in about three weeks, and had a quick blat up down the local bypass and back to warm things up, then
set about balancing the carbs. I usually balance chokes two and three, but this time I thought I would check all of them.
I found that one and two were different and three and four were out two...
Being that I have dcoe 45 152s they have additional air bleed screws so I adjusted one and three to match two and four, then balanced front and rear
carbs. At the end of the exercise, all four chokes pull the same at idle.
Another blat up the bypass seemed to be smother power and a bit more wiling to rev at the top end.
An added bonus is that there is a tunnel on he bypass so I got to do several tunnel runs too
Got my Golf back on the road
LOMOSS got his car started after we rebuilt his xflow
Just got to get a load of dosh together to get me a seven or an ELISE..... How many credit cards would it take to buy one)
The most important bit was - the nice weather today.
Went into the garage this morning kitted up with jeans, rugby shirt, fleece, overalls, body warmer. Half hour later, the body warmer, overalls &
fleece were back on their hook, as I was beginning to steam!
I think Spring is coming!
No going into the garage for me. I spent the day pointing the brickwork that I've built for our conservatory. It did make a change to have some sunshine though - the brickwork was laid in the cold weather, with lots of "anti-freeze" in the mortar mix, the mix made with boiling water to defrost the frozen sand and each brick individually defrosted with a blowlamp first ... oh and the heaviest clothing I have worn all winter is a long sleeved tee-shirt!!! Cold, what cold?