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jubilee clip vs t-bolt clamps
richardm6994 - 22/7/13 at 09:00 AM

I'd like to know peoples opinion on which is better for clamping coolant hoses....good quality worm drive clamps (i.e. Jubilee) or t-bolt clamps.

I realise both should provide adequate clamping force on my coolant pipes, however after a hose clamp failure this weekend...I would like to upgrade using the best clamps avalible.

As I understand it....
Jubilee clips provide a more even clamping force around the pipe.
T Bolt clamps provide greater clamping force and are generally 50% wider than worm driven clamps.

I also understand it is easy to overtighten a t-bolt clamp and distort the care must be taken

So given the choice....what would be peoples personal preferences be to use on radiator hoses?

40inches - 22/7/13 at 09:10 AM

T-bolt/Mikalor every time, they don't cut into the hose, look better and clamp around the hose evenly, unlike worm drive/jubilee clips.
You can get them very cheaply on ebay.

nick205 - 22/7/13 at 09:22 AM

Assuming the hose is in good condition and the water inlet/outlet point is OK (with a ridge) then a good quality new worm drive fitting is good enough for me. I have found they are best replaced rather than reused, but once fitted they shouldn't give any trouble.

britishtrident - 22/7/13 at 01:00 PM

Modern worm drive clamps are ****
I now use stainless T bolt clamps for anything 25mm or over I also use instead of U bolt exhaust clamp as the seal better and you can usually get the pipes apart again.

For smaller hoses I have become a big fan of OEM style spring clamps pretty fool proof and easy to fit if you buy the special pliers for fitting/removing them.

Jamwat - 22/7/13 at 02:29 PM

jubilee are not the best hose clamps.
Otiker are far better and they have may types of drive systems for different application.
Trident Waveseal are even better still
then I would go for a t bolt design if the above do not solve your problems

loggyboy - 22/7/13 at 02:49 PM

intersting read here