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washer bottle pumps. how are they attached?
trextr7monkey - 26/8/13 at 08:46 PM

Quick query to the collective - how do washer bottle pumps attach - are they screwed in with a rubber washer or bonded in or something else?
Need to replace one and don't want to snap off the duff one and get into hicost complications, its on a Nissan X trail but I'm guessing lots of modern cars are similar.
Thanks in anticipation

coozer - 26/8/13 at 08:51 PM

Normally a rubber bush and they push in.

trextr7monkey - 26/8/13 at 08:55 PM

Hi Steve , that makes sense should bé able to liberate one from an Almera on next trip to scrappy

austin man - 26/8/13 at 08:56 PM

as above a tight rubber seal push in

trextr7monkey - 26/8/13 at 09:12 PM

It is not something I have ever needed to investigate before like thgey say you learn something new every day