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Modified Worktop
Fozzie - 19/10/04 at 08:23 PM

Fast food ?!?


Ben_Copeland - 19/10/04 at 08:37 PM

Nice worktop

Ben_Copeland - 19/10/04 at 08:45 PM

Was gonna put, nice jugs... but i thought i'd get moaned at for being sexist

(not that theres any in the picture)

[Edited on 19/10/04 by Ben_Copeland]

Fozzie - 19/10/04 at 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Ben_Copeland
Was gonna put, nice jugs... but i thought i'd get moaned at for being sexist

(not that theres any in the picture)

[Edited on 19/10/04 by Ben_Copeland]


type 907 - 19/10/04 at 09:01 PM

doesn't the carb cleaner make the sugar taste funny ?

Paul G

Fozzie - 19/10/04 at 09:06 PM

Nah, its the methanol, it makes ya head spin!


Mark Allanson - 19/10/04 at 09:15 PM

Kiotchens are essential for locost building!! Rescued attachment Chicken.jpg
Rescued attachment Chicken.jpg

Fozzie - 19/10/04 at 09:34 PM

Tee-hee! You are sooooo right mark!
And lounges are for building engines!
(well I did anyway!)


JohnN - 19/10/04 at 09:45 PM

I baked the hammerite on my hubs overnight (50 degrees - did a great job of hardening the paint), now the oven trips the earth leakage circuit whatsit when it gets above 150 deg C - needless to say I'm getting the blame

Mark, what size chickens did you get those wishbones from

Mark Allanson - 19/10/04 at 10:26 PM

Originally posted by JohnN
I baked the hammerite on my hubs overnight (50 degrees - did a great job of hardening the paint), now the oven trips the earth leakage circuit whatsit when it gets above 150 deg C - needless to say I'm getting the blame

Mark, what size chickens did you get those wishbones from

Tesco's finest!!!!

I stress relieved the wishbones at 260°C for 8 hours and cooled them over 24 hours, then cut out the central section, no distortion whatever, considering the amps I used to weld them.

Added my favorite shot!! Rescued attachment lurking.jpg
Rescued attachment lurking.jpg

Mark Allanson - 19/10/04 at 10:31 PM

Image could not be shown - why not - try again Rescued attachment lurking.jpg
Rescued attachment lurking.jpg