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Webber Tuning Leeds Anyone?
VinceGledhill - 7/3/05 at 08:17 AM

Hi People.

Anyone know where I can get my Webbers set up on a rolling road around the Leeds Area? I live in Morley and have failed SVA on emissions.

Looking for a place not to far away and will drive the car there if I get booked in. ;-)

carlgeldard - 7/3/05 at 10:01 AM

I know a place in Wakefield ART just off Denby Dale RD near B&Q and JCT600.I will have to get the phone number later for you.


carlgeldard - 7/3/05 at 10:05 AM

Found it

A R T Motor EngineersUnit 6, Waldorf Way, Wakefield, West Yorkshire WF2 8DH Tel: 01924 290431
