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Webber throttle sensor + delortos help
wacomuk - 21/11/05 at 05:26 PM

I have delorto 45`s and a Webber Alfa ignition system its running 2d at the mo but I want to make it 3d. has anyone made a bracket to it the Webber sensor on to the delortos ?? or a pic of one fitted to give me some idea of what i need to do


britishtrident - 21/11/05 at 05:59 PM

Just an idea but you could fit a tps at the pedal end --- you might want to look at the drive by wire BMW or the Rover 75 diesels for suitable parts.

Trev D - 21/11/05 at 06:19 PM

Look in at the last two photos in my archive. Hope these help. If any problems let me know

stevebubs - 21/11/05 at 06:22 PM

and ickle bit of angle-ali bolted to the dellortos should provide a nice mounting point for the TPS

Trev D - 21/11/05 at 06:30 PM

mine had to be put on the back of the carbs on toyota 4age all fittings from northampton motor sport tel 01604 766624 regards trev

Ben_Copeland - 22/11/05 at 08:03 AM

Practical Performance did it... trying to find the info in the mag, but it's hard when i cant remember which one its in and i have numbers 1 to 19/20 whatevers the latest one. Will keep looking

robbydee - 23/11/05 at 01:08 PM

bloody good site relating to all things relating to 3d megajolt mapping including fitting of a tps..

wacomuk - 23/11/05 at 07:33 PM

thanks lads ill have a go @ the weekend !