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Clutch Problems (i think)
ianr - 13/12/05 at 03:10 PM

I am still a novice after buying a sylva strika. And hoped to pick things up as i went along. Which i am doing, one thing after another.

The car had been left in the garge for about 2/3 weeks i had a clear afternoon and went to start her up. Once started although the clutch was fully on the floor i could not put it in gear with out it crunching like crazy.

Could anybody give me a starting point ?

Could this be a stuck clutch that just needs to be put in gear with my hands over my ears ?

rusty nuts - 13/12/05 at 04:06 PM

Certainly sounds like a stuck clutch plate . Might be worth making sure you have plenty of room in front of car and try to start engine with car in gear and foot on the clutch sometimes works .If not if you have a clear road try driving with foot on clutch . as a last resort jam pedal down and squirt WD40 into bell housing . Leave for a few hours and if clutch then frees off try pulling off in third gear a few times which should dry out WD40 . Final option take engine out to remove clutch Best of luck

mark chandler - 13/12/05 at 04:08 PM

Assuming that the cltch feels okay then the driven plate has probally attached its self to the flywheel.

Not the end of the world, in the first instance try and start it with the car in gear, clutch down and brake on, hopefully the starter motor will jerk it free.

Second option, push it out to the road, stick it in second clutch down and try towing it gently with the engine off.

Third go is start in 1st gear and drive with the clutch down and use the engine to jerk the car around until it free's itself.

Regards Mark

ianr - 13/12/05 at 04:46 PM

Well that is encouraging, It does not sound too drastic. I have a few things to try this sat morning.


johnemms - 13/12/05 at 07:56 PM

generaly you find an opening round the bell housing... if not .. drill a hole inline with the flywheel... you can now get a friend to press the clutch while you insert a long thin screwdriver to free the plate off the flywheel...

never know till you

Dusty - 13/12/05 at 11:44 PM

Did you manage to get it into gear eventualy while the engine was running or was that impossible?

Peteff - 14/12/05 at 12:30 AM

Just start it up and rev the bo11ocks off it in neutral for a few minutes with the pedal pressed and released, then try sticking it into third with your foot firmly on the brake. You live and learn after you knock your bike through the door and split your nosecone.

ianr - 14/12/05 at 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Dusty
Did you manage to get it into gear eventualy while the engine was running or was that impossible?

No i did not i was not sure how far to force it ! So i left it and will try again on with the suggestions on here

Mark Allanson - 14/12/05 at 10:32 PM

Jack up the back end, put into fith gear, start the engine (back wheels will be turning), 'accellerate' upto 100mph, floor the throttle and brake at the same time.

Something WILL give, it is usually the siezed on clutch

(in reality, try it at 10mph and repeat at 10mph increments until it frees)

rusty nuts - 15/12/05 at 09:55 AM

Would suggest not trying to put it into gear with engine running and car on floor . This will not help your gearbox or free off the clutch. driving with foot on clutch and sharp accelaration often works. It's worth pointing out how often this happenseven when car has only stood a short time , in fact I once steam cleaned a renault 5 engine and clutch was stuck an hour later.

ianr - 21/12/05 at 10:12 PM

well thanks for that, she is back on the road now. Started her in gear and push stated her a few times (about 1 hour) and it eventually freed up.