I have a Mac 1 Type 7R (Mac 1 used to build MK Indys and have branched into their own design and build very similar to the Indy).
The exhaust keeps coming off at the rear silencer junction. Have tried various different clamps but can't get the damn thing to stay on for very
long. Does anyone have any helpful advice?
Am thinking of welding the joint but am worried this may simply crack after a while.
My car - http://www.mac1motorsports.co.uk/gallery/blue_car7_large.jpg
(Mac 1 used to build MK Indys and have branched into their own design and build very similar to the Indy).
Well i guess theres only one thing for it really, scrap the 7R thingy (well youre not gonna get any second hand value for it) then buy a Luego or an MK.......