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Bike Fuel pump
ricklawn - 23/5/08 at 07:26 PM

I have just spent the last few hours fitting a GSXR750 fuel pump in place of the facet pump that was fitted. Could anyone tell me if it looks ok and in the right place. The reason i ask is that the pump brackets are rubber mounted and although i have used rubber bobbins ther seems to be a bit of play.


BenB - 23/5/08 at 08:48 PM

Looks good to me!! I think I've got the same pump in my BEC
A bit of wobble isn't a problem. In fact it will probably be a good thing. If you attach it too rigidly it'll vibrate and you might get fuel foaming....

ANDYSHORT - 23/5/08 at 09:00 PM

why the change did u have problems with the facet pump -ie over fueling

ricklawn - 23/5/08 at 09:37 PM

i am changing because i am also fitting gsxr750 carbs in place of the twin webbers. should get carbs back from Boggs with nice new manifold in the next week or so. Bike pump is better as it doesn't over fuel like facet. hopefuly.

tegwin - 23/5/08 at 10:39 PM

I have that exact pump as well...

Does it have to be mounted vertically like that?...

And which is the input and which is the output?

ricklawn - 24/5/08 at 08:25 AM

Morning Tegwin.
too late to reply last night. i only mounted it that way because it fit the space better and the fuel pipes that came with it were bent in the directions i needed. but i dont think it makes a difference. i have arrowed the directions of flow. hope it helps

tegwin - 24/5/08 at 04:36 PM

Chears for that....really usefull