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750mc Locost Racing Oulton Park 5th Sept - With Pics
Steve Hignett - 6/9/09 at 04:01 PM

Please click on the link below for lots of pics of the day:-

Most of my photographs were of TimC (Tim Cheney No. 41), after Matt @ Procomp's engine let go...

Here's a sneak peak of Tim's tactics of avoiding a crash - not sure why the orange/blue car didn't feel need to take the same evasive action. Tim does seem to like the green stuff!
I'm only kidding, Tim drove an excellent race and based on his lap times, was 10th fastest from 33 competitors!!!

And another of him on the start line (2nd race)...

Tim Locost Racing
Tim Locost Racing

charliemouse - 6/9/09 at 04:34 PM


Thanks for sharing!

Found a few of me (69) and my oppo Rob (24) including a big slide from him that he never mentioned but that you caught perfectly through cascades. We were a bit far back but I enjoyed learning the track (1st visit to Oulton for me).


Steve Hignett - 6/9/09 at 04:45 PM

Let me know if you want the full size images and I will email them to you!

Just U2U me the photo name/number etc...

Canada EH! - 6/9/09 at 05:01 PM

Does the X signify new to the track or new to racing? Just wondwering, new drivers here were required to put a red triangle on the back of the car while in the Novice catagory.

Steve Hignett - 6/9/09 at 06:01 PM

Novice. (in that form of racing I would imagine) I'm sure someone will say the correct answer, but it's something like 5 or 10 races in your class completed and you lose the symbol...

pointy - 6/9/09 at 06:06 PM


The Black cross on a yellow background is to be worn by Novices until they have 6 signatures.

SO....after looking at the 300 pictures I need info..What happened, Who won, Who went off, How was Simon Ironside after taking a smack in the side from Dave Morrow, How was Rob Palin after his whack in the barriers.....Etc etc..

Andy P

ironside - 6/9/09 at 08:08 PM

I'm fine, the tap from Dave was very light (his car was unmarked as he had more or less the same forward momentum as I had sideways momentum) and merely delayed the invevitable.

I hit the tyre wall and the impact broke my steering rack, race over for me. Damage doesn't seem too bad though. I have some bent wishbones, wingstays, a broken exhaust mount and some scuffs, that's it.

Those are fantastics shots btw, you squeezed 13 shots into the whole accident! I'll u2u you my details for some hi-res copies.


[Edited on 6/9/09 by ironside]

mlees91 - 6/9/09 at 09:00 PM

Originally posted by pointy

The Black cross on a yellow background is to be worn by Novices until they have 6 signatures.

i have got my 6 but it is still not comin off andy

TimC - 7/9/09 at 07:38 AM

Originally posted by Steve Hignett
Tim does seem to like the green stuff!

What can I say? Wales is the home of Rally GB...

In all seriousness, I have mixed feelings:
* Elation
* Frustration

I'm very happy with my pace in the 2nd race but deeply frustrated by my continued inability to complete a race without spinning.

On the plus side, the car is in one piece and seems to be a decent performer.

Can I take this opportunity to thank the guys who took evasive action to avoid me after my spins, particularly in the second race. Being sat in the middle of the track with cars going either side of you is pretty scary. Fantastic skill to avoid me though - thanks chaps.


procomp - 7/9/09 at 08:16 AM


The Locost results are up on line. LINK HERE.

Well except for a blown engine i thoroughly enjoyed Oulton. Lovely circuit espesialy using the full shell oils layout. The grass seemed to retain the moisture from the rain which gave a few problems for those venturing over the curbs ( Me included ) espesialy at the exit of Cascades.

Cheers Matt

Rob Palin - 7/9/09 at 09:53 AM

Originally posted by pointy
How was Rob Palin after his whack in the barriers.....Etc etc..

Andy P

I'm still stiff and sore but with all bodily parts intact, which is far more than I can say for my car.

I think there was some contact amongst the leaders and two cars spun. I was right up behind Sam Bradley and couldn't see. Bear in mind we're on a straight at this point, but the first thing I knew was Sam backing right off and braking. I swerved onto the grass to avoid him but clipped his right rear wheel, puncturing it and breaking my steering. I was then pretty much a passenger back across the track and into the wall at high speed on the left. Ouch.

I've seen plenty of other people be in the wrong place at the wrong time in races so I guess it's only fair that it should happen to me at some point. Shame I couldn't have pushed my luck that bit further and got away with one last meeting!

gogs - 7/9/09 at 10:57 AM

To continue the thread of incidents:

I was in a 3 car train when exiting the hairpin, Rhys in #30 slowed right down after his fuel pipe became detached, i slowed and moved right to avoid him and Sam #34 who was right behind me went over my left rear, along the top of the rollcage, coming to rest on my bonnet.....

So ends my 2009 season.

Mark #53

blackie - 7/9/09 at 11:21 AM

.....I was in a Pither/Mittel/Blackie train exiting Cascades - looked like Ed had some trouble on the exit (I'm guessing because..) Scott went into a spin trying to avoid & I did the same trying to avoid Scott. I think Robs incident came in the aftermath of this.

I was one of the lucky ones (for a smegging change) with no collision - just a change of underwear afterwards

DB #28