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blade electric water pump
johny p - 1/3/11 at 07:52 PM

hi, as my fireblade 919 lost its prop at weekend and taken out the water pump. ive heard it would be better to fit an electric pump instead as it frees some bhp plus you can leave it running when turned off to prevent hotspots. has anybody done this?

Spaz - 1/3/11 at 09:34 PM

That is a good questions. Too add to it, what should one use to fill the hole where the belt driven water pump was?

carpmart - 1/3/11 at 09:44 PM

Spaz - The water pumps are not belt driven on a 919 blade, the pump has a notch on the end of its shaft which positively engages with engine to provide drive. if you want to 'fill' the hole, I would suggest using a water pump with the shaft cut down a little so it has no way to engage with the engine.

Spaz - 1/3/11 at 09:58 PM

Thanks, I was just thinking that.

johny p - 1/3/11 at 10:05 PM

yeah i was thinking that too, cut down the drive shaft and remount the pump. worth thinking about, get a few more horses out of it anyway?

coyoteboy - 2/3/11 at 01:44 AM

Not sure the elec pump does gain you a few ponies overall (peak, yes). In order to drive the elec pump you need electricity. In order to provide that you need to load the alternator more, and due to inefficiencies you need to load the alternator more than you would if it were direct driving exactly the same item at the same flowrate. Your new pump will probably consume more power than a mech pump at low revs, but less at higher revs so it's just a slight re-shaping of the torque curve

snoopy - 2/3/11 at 03:02 AM

one thing to think about is trust which do you trust more the mechanical pump or the electrical pump ?
personally i would chose mechanical over electrical everyday examples washing machine pumps ? car washer squirter pumps ? need i go on mr honda put it there for a reason why doubt him

mad-butcher - 2/3/11 at 10:26 AM
