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Kimini's first test drive as a completed car.
kb58 - 28/12/05 at 01:46 AM

Here is the first road test of my car. It's only a couple short laps around the neighborhood because, frankly, I'm still afraid of the thing. I can sure tell there's not much weight being pushed by that engine... it's almost like the back tires are on jack stands, that's about how easily it revs...

(Oh and I'm well aware the word "complete" never really applies to home-builts.)

First road test

[Edited on 12/28/05 by kb58]

OX - 28/12/05 at 02:18 AM

it looks a cool bit of kit that m8,i remember watching you other clip,,but when are you gonna give it some beans ,,i want to see you come round some of those wide bends sideways hehe and maybe a few doughnuts but carefull now ,,i wouldnt want you waking anyone up

kb58 - 28/12/05 at 03:21 AM

Yeah, yeah, yeah, there'll be "giving of beans" in good time, just be patient! And besides, I know full well who'd be paying for any traffic tickets

[Edited on 12/28/05 by kb58]

derf - 28/12/05 at 04:24 AM

Nice video, just imagine, thats the culmination of 10 years of hard work...

Pretty good video, but will the addition of wheelwells around the wheels get rid of some of the rocks that are building up in the rear?

kb58 - 28/12/05 at 06:49 AM

Theoretically, yes, though once I look at it I may find it's too hard to get a partition to seal completely yet allow full suspension travel.

Danozeman - 28/12/05 at 09:09 AM

I love that car. Whats that buzzing when u turn the ignition on? Was guessing fuel pump but then another kicks in?

Could u not use bits of plastic or something going straight up paralel with the the wheels cut around your suspension to stop the stones? May stop most of them

David Jenkins - 28/12/05 at 09:25 AM

Very nice...

That buzzing fuel pump would drive me nuts...

I do know what you mean about the stink of the header wrap, though! First time I took my car out for a proper drive I had to stop because I thought the engine was on fire, with smoke coming out from under the bonnet. Still gives off a 'cooked' smell, even after 1000+ miles.

It does look you're getting very close to a finished car - just a few details and you're there.

Well done!

RazMan - 28/12/05 at 09:32 AM

I will probably suffer from the same problem in my middy with debris coming off the tyres and into the nooks and crannies.
I was thinking about some inner wheel arches made from some seven-style mudguards. In theory they could be bonded to the inner surface with PU adhesive. It should stop 'star fractures' due to stones hammering the inside too.

rsk289locost - 28/12/05 at 09:47 AM

That is a brilliant achievement. The car seems to be very refined for a chassis built along the lines of a racer. I hope I never see it because you drive on the WRONG side of the road
Seriously though well done that is a fantastic looking car.

[Edited on 28/12/05 by rsk289locost]

Mave - 28/12/05 at 10:16 AM

Congratulations! Very, very well done. Your attention to detail really shows, when you look at the car.
I like it!

Peteff - 28/12/05 at 10:41 AM

Well don't use them then . Cut some washing up bowls to fit round your inner arch and bracket them on somewhere so they move with the hub.

kreb - 28/12/05 at 04:27 PM


Very nice. Give yourself a stiff slap on the back!

I'm going to be in SD in a month or so. Maybie I could take a peek?


mangogrooveworkshop - 28/12/05 at 05:48 PM

Perhaps you could use that plastic strip curtian that they use on walk in freezers. Its flexible light and has the stiffness you would need.

Sven - 28/12/05 at 07:52 PM

Awesome, Kurt! Do you still remember the day you first laid eyes on that carbon shell and the cogs started turning?


skydivepaul - 28/12/05 at 09:31 PM

Looks great mate.. i am so jealous of your California weather, bloody freezing here at the moment and they've cancelled tomorrows track day cos of the snow.

sgraber - 28/12/05 at 11:40 PM

Fantastic. You must have been hell-a nervous pulling out onto that main road with the stop-light! I know I would have been puckered pretty tight! hahaha. I wish you would have got ON it at least once to test the VTEC.... Ah-well. With a 10 year build, I guess you have a slow, steady wins the race attitude. But that's one of the reasons your little car is such a jewel.



stevebubs - 29/12/05 at 12:06 AM

Originally posted by RazMan
I will probably suffer from the same problem in my middy with debris coming off the tyres and into the nooks and crannies.
I was thinking about some inner wheel arches made from some seven-style mudguards. In theory they could be bonded to the inner surface with PU adhesive. It should stop 'star fractures' due to stones hammering the inside too.

Fisher sell inner wheel wells for the Fury...sure they could be fettled to fit other cars....

stevebubs - 29/12/05 at 12:13 AM

If that buzzing is a lift pump, is it solidly mounted? If so, get some rubber bobbins on there...a lift pump shouldn't make *that* much noise unless running dry

kb58 - 29/12/05 at 03:12 AM

Originally posted by stevebubs
If that buzzing is a lift pump, is it solidly mounted? If so, get some rubber bobbins on there...a lift pump shouldn't make *that* much noise unless running dry

Thanks guys, and yes, I was very nervous pulling out for the first time on that busy street, the millions of things that could go wrong swirling in my head.

About the pumps, they're already on soft rubber mounts! It's hell when they run dry, so loud it's like a bad joke. I will be changing how they're mounted that's for sure.

Thanks again for all the kind words. There'll be more and faster videos... don't worry.

andygtt - 29/12/05 at 11:06 AM

Excellent news on the 'first drive', the first legal drive is always a moment to savour and its excellent that you could share it with us.

From the video it looks like the car is very well put together.
I'd recomend some kind of internal wheel arch to shield the enigne, I remember the spread of road grime on my car even with internal arches.

On the grease side, I rebuilt my CV's many times (internal one on my car) before I got them to be fully sealed. Could it have been comming from here on yours?

geoffreyh - 29/12/05 at 11:37 AM

About the rocks you are getting in your engine compartment:

I would use two sheets of plastic or aluminium or something similar with about 2-3 inches in between. The chance you will get rocks through is almost zero.

If you use only one sheet there will still be a possibility to get through the wholes you will have to make for your suspension parts to get through.

I can be wrong but this would be my idea.



kb58 - 29/12/05 at 04:21 PM

Thanks. Yeah I'm collecting all these rock deflector ideas and will come up with something I'll claim as my own... (Actually it seems like everyone else has better ideas then me anyway.)

Simon - 30/12/05 at 08:24 PM

Very nice job and well done.

Did find it amusing that the rear started going up the h(b)umps as the front was coming off them, and that your route seemd to be like the chase scene from Bullett.

Congrats again.



[Edited on 30/12/05 by Simon]