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dims and things for haynes manual
Delinquent - 13/5/10 at 03:06 PM

anyone know where I can find dims of all the suspension components, mounting points etc for the haynes roadster - or indeed for anything! I've got all the chassis dims and plans?

Don't want to build a real one, want to build a scale model!

Neil P - 13/5/10 at 03:37 PM

possibly same place as if you were building a real one??

flange nut - 13/5/10 at 03:48 PM

How about the book?


Delinquent - 13/5/10 at 03:49 PM

LOl well yes, just didn't want to buy the book for the sake of half a dozen dims I'll be scaling

se7en - 13/5/10 at 08:06 PM

By 'dims' I assume you mean dimensions.

What is it with some people, are they afraid to wear out their keyboard (little hope of that when they are tested to millions of key-presses), can they not spell (install a dictionary add-on), have they no command of the English language (you will not have any idea until you start using the proper words instead of abbreviations or shortened words).

For your information (FYI) whilst typing this post I spelt two words wrongly but my add-on dictionary flagged them, Simples (to quote a well known meerkat).

40inches - 13/5/10 at 08:11 PM

Delinquent, you have a u2u

ashg - 13/5/10 at 09:50 PM

there are these funny buildings in every town called library..... try there

Delinquent - 13/5/10 at 10:06 PM

Strangely enough I was more than capable of walking the 100 yards from my office to the library to check there first.

To the troubled pedant, my apologies, in my years in engineering 'dims' was a fairly standard term used daily. I mistakenly thought this was a site that would be predominantly inhabited by engineers so didn't anticipate it causing such a heart wrenching catastrophy. Typing on a mobile isn't easiest but to prevent any repeat trauma I shall in future be more considerate of your fragile sensibilities.

Perhaps you would like me to arrange some counciling for you?

Minicooper - 13/5/10 at 10:23 PM

Pedants all of them I will send you all that you need
