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Fury Rear Hub or Driveshaft Issue
sjmatthews - 5/6/15 at 08:04 PM

Hi all,
The good news is my Fury passed it's MOT today. Hooray!

The bad news is I noticed what looks like grey grease leaking from where the driveshafts enters the hub (near side). It's not leaking from the rubber boot.

Sierra diff with push in shafts and drum brakes.

Please see photos. Any ideas before I start stripping?


sjmatthews - 5/6/15 at 09:06 PM

Can the driveshaft 'can' split/leak? If so, guess it's a new driveshaft from Fury sportscars?

Any comments welcome

adithorp - 5/6/15 at 09:28 PM

It's CV grease leaking between the joint and can. There's an O ring in there to seal it but sometimes that can leak/split/perish. Only answer is a new boot kit (inc can and ring). You can try and undue the can and replace the ring but a) takes practice, b) it's difficult, c) takes ages, d) rarely successful (usually stretches the can or distorts it beyond re-sealing or simply splits it).

The kit is Ford finis (part) code... 1 058 427 Though I've heard it's now discontinued but available on ebay (can't confirm that)

sjmatthews - 5/6/15 at 09:36 PM

Thanks Adi,

Hmm, not sure if I can just wipe the grease off for now and keep an eye on it, but it's quite a leak. Any other options?

Cheers, Steve

adithorp - 5/6/15 at 10:11 PM

One of the reasons they leak is over-filling with grease. A little CV grease makes a lot of mess. My nearside one leaked and was wiped down every so often for 2 years before I got around to changing it. You can always check how much grease is still in and squirt a bit a extra back if through the boot, by removing the clip/strap, if you're worried.

HowardB - 6/6/15 at 12:07 PM

As the OP, my fury passed it's mot today too. Although I have a rattle on 1 of the cv joints. I think it's a death rattle and needs a new cv joint....

So..... is it difficult to do.. ? Any tips?

adithorp - 6/6/15 at 06:27 PM

Originally posted by HowardB
As the OP, my fury passed it's mot today too. Although I have a rattle on 1 of the cv joints. I think it's a death rattle and needs a new cv joint....

So..... is it difficult to do.. ? Any tips?

Not difficult and I can write a "how to" but first do you have Sierra or Freelander diff? There's a mod' that removes a fault with hybrid Sierra hub to Freelander shafts but it's complicates the explanation.

adithorp - 6/6/15 at 08:39 PM

Strip down...

1) Remove the boot clips, pull the boot back up the shaft, wipe out as much grease as you can (it's disgusting stuff so lots of rags)

2) Cut the can open along the line of the shaft with chisel tin snips, Dremmel, saw, whatever works. Just be careful not to cut into the outer part of the joint. I find a hacksaw to go most of the way through then split with a chisel but if just fitting a new can/boot be careful not to introduce and swarf into the internals. Open up the can and remove/discard. Wipe out grease.

3) Remove the outer section of the joint. Watch it doesn't just fall off when you open the can as it's spring loaded. If refitting mark so it can go back in the same orientation.

4) Remove the spring and cap inside the outer.

5) Remove the circlip holding the tripod to the shaft.

6) Note the position of the tripod on the splines and mark so you can put the new one in the same orientation (paint mark/centre punch or whatever you're happy won't disappear) then knock the tripod off. It'll be tight.

7) Remove the plastic ring/doughnut behind and then slide the old boot off.


1) push new boot up shaft

2) slip new can up the shaft

3) push plastic doughnut inside the can

4) knock the tripod back on. Take care not to damage the bearings and keep original orientation.

5) refit circlip

6) put spring and cap back in the outer (bit of CV grease will help keep it there) and fit new O-ring into groove around joint.

7) slide outer onto spider and add the grease into spider/joint. Keep original orientation if refitting the old one.


8) hold the outer down against the spring.

9) slide the can over the outer untill the fully down and the end is past the chamfer takng care not to cut/damage the O-ring.

10) pien the can over the chamfer on the joint with a light hammer bit by bit until it holds in place and can't come off. Start with 2 opposite bits then 4 etc. The spring will be working against you doing this. I find holding the shaft vertically in a vice and get an assistant to push down at the joint works best.

11) Put the boot onto the can and clip then push the joint against the spring to find a mid point and and hold. With a small screwdriver under the boot/shaft, release any air pressure inside. Fit the small boot clip.

Here's a picture of the split joint. (ignore the shorter springs; They're for the hybrid mod I did)

HowardB - 6/6/15 at 09:01 PM

You sir are a gent of the highest order

sjmatthews - 6/6/15 at 09:11 PM

Helpful .... long as you can buy a new can?

I've sent a message to Fury Sportscars and await their response, but let me know if you find a supplier