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rear light position
steveabr - 2/1/16 at 08:30 PM

Having just fitted my rear lights into my second hand wings I discovered they were positioned to low. I have now moved them up so they are now above the minimum height. But now the lights are not quite straight to the wing. I have wedged the top out, does anyone know if this will be ok.

Cheers for the help


madteg - 2/1/16 at 08:38 PM

Get it wright it was the only thing mine failed on. Managed to jack suspension up enough to get a pass.

gremlin1234 - 2/1/16 at 09:16 PM

its only the rear fog that <has> to be vertical, but the better they look the less they will be inspected. so try to make 'nice' plinths for them

CosKev3 - 2/1/16 at 09:17 PM

Pretty sure it's only the fog light that needs to be level vertically

steveabr - 2/1/16 at 09:24 PM

Thanks for help guys fog light is probably only light that is upright!!

snapper - 2/1/16 at 09:58 PM

Having done several SVA's & IVA's it is best to prepare as best you can then take lots of stuff so you can fix on the day
If the car requires trim have some trim and glue to fix
You may need some nut covers
You may need P clips and cable ties
If you think the rear lights may fail and I believe they need to be correct or the projected ligh beam will be high ( or low) then some simple spacers fixes the problem until a permanent solution can be found