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Starter Identification
alland3851 - 9/6/16 at 04:23 PM

Hi, I have a starter from a 1983 Sierra on a 2.0l pinto attached to a 5 speed box. The starter is duff and needs replacing. I can't find any identification on it, so i have a problem trying to get a replacement. The dimensions are Total Length - 9ins Body and Mating Surface 3 1/2 ins 10 Tooth drive . The solenoid sits approximately on top.

Pics are in my archive

Any help appreciated

Thanks guys

[Edited on 9/6/16 by alland3851]

avagolen - 9/6/16 at 06:08 PM

Not sure if it is the same, but these are of a 1.8CVH starter motor.





alland3851 - 9/6/16 at 08:02 PM

Thanks avagolen, looks similar but not the same. Doubt it would fit but I would love to be proved wrong.

starterman - 15/7/16 at 07:47 PM

Which side of the engine is it fitted?
You probably need an LRS110

alland3851 - 15/7/16 at 08:46 PM

Thanks for the info Straterman. Ended up getting new one to fit. Starting problems now solved.
