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road tax question
ruskino80 - 9/5/13 at 08:53 PM

hi,going to pick up a car tommorrow from a dealer,the car he has told me is untaxed.The dealer has told me there is a post office just down the road from him to get it taxed,but am i right in thinking that even though i can insure the car over the phone immediatley and have the mot certificate in hand i will still not be able to obtain the tax because i will not have in hand a certificate of insurance or even the log book for that matter?
Only thinking about this as i have seen so many posts about sorn problems being burdoned on the poor buyer.
thanks rich

Davegtst - 9/5/13 at 09:03 PM

You won't be able to tax it without an insurance certificate. You may be able to tax it online with your phone or borrow his computer, you obviously won't have a disc but it should stop the fuzz pulling you over. The dealer should have trade insurance which he will be able to get the tax with though. I've got tax from the post office a few times with my trade insurance for customers.

chrism - 9/5/13 at 09:13 PM

You cant tax online as the v5 registered details need to be correct, may be the same with phoneing aswell but worth checking.

You could try asking the insurance company to email or fax a cover note to you.

pmc_3 - 9/5/13 at 09:25 PM

If you can get an insurance covernote faxed or emailed over then you can tax it at the post office using that, the new keeper slip from the logbook and the MOT

ruskino80 - 9/5/13 at 09:27 PM

thanks guys,i will see first if the guy can do it for me,if he cant then email of the cover note is simple enough to try.

sdh2903 - 9/5/13 at 09:29 PM

Don't you get a grace period for tax anyway? I'm not saying it's right but I would drive it away and tax it when I got it home.

Saying that most insurance certs are available to download and print instantly now anyway. It's not like you need to wait for a cover note like the good old days!

chrism - 9/5/13 at 09:56 PM

The grace period only applies to displaying a valid tax disc once purchased, its there more to cover people who tax their car online and the disc is in the post. Used to be 5 working days but I think the law changed recently giving a longer period.

The only times you can drive a car on the road without tax is if its a test drive with trade plates, going to or returning from an MOT or garage for MOT repairs, to and from an IVA and possibly to a DVLA station for Vic Check, etc.(Not sure on that one)

morcus - 9/5/13 at 10:10 PM

Seems a bit weird that the Dealer won't do it for you. Last car I bought the Dealer was happy to sort me out a tax disc. If your deffintly buying the car, sort the insurance before you go and get the documents emailed to you and print them off, simple as.

tegwin - 9/5/13 at 10:21 PM

I have had this in the past....

Simply get the dealer to go tax the car for you using their trade insurance/v5.... Obviously you pay him for the tax... Seems awfully annoying if he wont!

Litemoth - 9/5/13 at 11:06 PM

I suppose technically he (dealer) has to tax it while he owns it as the car isn't insured otherwise and is the 'keeper' temporarily.
You include the cost of the tax in the asking price then you buy it post-taxing.

[Edited on 9/5/13 by Litemoth]

blakep82 - 9/5/13 at 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Litemoth
I suppose technically he (dealer) has to tax it while he owns it as the car isn't insured otherwise and is the 'keeper' temporarily.
You include the cost of the tax in the asking price then you buy it post-taxing.

[Edited on 9/5/13 by Litemoth]


But also, axa dont post insurace certs or cover notes, all emailed. Got insurance with them last month, not had anything through the post all online/emailed. Get insurance, print it out, done. And the new keeper section should be enough to tax I think? But best you have the dealer do it, but u give him the money, or whatever

Litemoth - 9/5/13 at 11:30 PM

Nope...scrap my last idea as you have to declare the dealer as a keeper and surrender you log book then do it again in your name when it comes back.

Mikef - 10/5/13 at 07:13 AM

Cant see why the dealer cant do it, Its what I did on my last deal and just added the price to what I paid him.

dhutch - 10/5/13 at 07:51 AM

My insurance email out my documents, the company insuring the t'top tend to be almost instant.


MikeRJ - 10/5/13 at 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Litemoth
Nope...scrap my last idea as you have to declare the dealer as a keeper and surrender you log book then do it again in your name when it comes back.

The keeper and insured driver don't have to be the same person in order to get a tax disc. As long as the insurance clearly covers the person applying for tax, and the MOT is valid then the post office will give you a tax disc.

A dealer will (should) have trade insurance which covers him for all cars, so there should be no problems with them getting tax.

[Edited on 10/5/13 by MikeRJ]

motorcycle_mayhem - 10/5/13 at 12:37 PM

The dealer should in my mind the car, you then simply pay for the tax in addition, or you've agreed this (and/or something) when the deal was done.

My experience is:

As people have said here, you can immediately tax at the PO your newly acquired vehicle, you'll need the green V5 tearoff, a valid MoT (if required..) and an insurance certificate.

There are is no 'grace' period. You are breaking the law on the road, with no tax disc. The reality is, if you're stopped, it's down to the authority that stopped you how far it then all goes. Bear in mind, insurance companies love this sort of thing, because if you injure someone with a car that's untaxed and threfore not lawfully on the road....

The only 'grace' I'm aware of, bar the postal grace when you apply online for a new tax disc on the 1st of the month (only), is the 14 days of renewal when your V11 turns up. I've just used this to MoT the old Land Rover yesterday (tax expired end April), simply pre-booked the test, drove down (therefore lawfully), got the MoT certificate and then cycled down to the PO for the (free) tax disc while the car remained in the MoT station forecourt for a while.

As for your situation, if it was me and I was collecting a car without tax - I'd drive the car straight home and park it up off the road until the paperwork (tax disc) was all OK. It'd only take a couple of days.

dhutch - 10/5/13 at 01:05 PM

My parents have bought a car in the past from a garage and walked to the post office for a tax, i dont know the details as I wasnt the, just got a phone call off mum as she was walking to get it, but they may have taken out insurance at the time and got paperwork from the garage, or insureed it beforehand and bought it with them.

Can the garage not tax it on there insureance?


loggyboy - 10/5/13 at 02:17 PM

Is he a road side 'dealer'? ie just joe public with no trade insuance?

ruskino80 - 11/5/13 at 07:11 AM

Well the dealer did manage to tax it for me but only by filling in the green slip with pencil and having a friendly p/o staff!,then back at his office he erased his details and entered mine and popped it all of to at least i was able to drive home all legal.He did say that with the wrong p/o staff he sometimes failed because the jobsworths would want to send off the slip for him-which would then add him as another registered keeper and delay the whole process of getting it into my name.

thanks for all your replies.