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locost map
oadamo - 24/12/07 at 02:14 PM

iam testing to see if this works
add your self to the map so we can see where your from.tell me if its worked.

[Edited on 24/12/07 by oadamo]

[Edited on 24/12/07 by oadamo]

cloudy - 24/12/07 at 02:22 PM


oadamo - 24/12/07 at 02:28 PM

theres a few on already must of worked

Dangle_kt - 24/12/07 at 02:49 PM


Just a small point. I'd be a bit vague if I was you.

I have seen a few of these turn bad, as they are theives helper.

I know its sad, but I've had bikes for years and lost count of the number of times suspicious people have come onto forums to gather info prior to breaking in.

I dont post any info on any of bikes anymore on any forum, and definatly no locations of where i store them.

The sad thing is, that it has many inocent uses, but I wont be adding myself to it sorry.

oadamo - 24/12/07 at 02:51 PM

it s only where about your from not your door number

macdave69 - 24/12/07 at 03:24 PM

merry Christmas

krypto - 24/12/07 at 08:35 PM

added i live in holland

[Edited on 24/12/07 by krypto]

oadamo - 24/12/07 at 11:18 PM

some very nice car pics
bob get some pics up of your porject looks intresting.

davie h - 24/12/07 at 11:30 PM


first scot

Jon Ison - 24/12/07 at 11:38 PM

mmmmmmmm, have to have another go when alcohol doesn't cloud the vision, I'm in North America some where, sorry.

locoR1 - 25/12/07 at 12:06 AM

Done! and Santa's just came so got to help him sort the presents out now

Merry Christmas.

mangogrooveworkshop - 10/6/09 at 04:59 PM

Zilspeed did this jonks ago

l0rd - 10/6/09 at 09:37 PM

Done, but i hated the layout and most of the time comes up as image unavailable

eccsmk - 10/6/09 at 10:35 PM


shame most of the uk was missing from the screen tho

oh and i have a locost as well as an indy

[Edited on 10/6/09 by eccsmk]