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MB CUSTOMS - 6/2/08 at 05:49 AM

I have tried in vain to register on this site as a trader,pay pal do not like dealing with business debit cards,i sent a message to Chisw willing to send a cheque for a years subscription,to recieve a message back :i dont take cheques take it up with paypal: so back to square one.then i notice the R1 engine i put up for sale has been removed. So in veiw of this i will no longer be giving any technical information to the numerous locost members that ring my business,the extra discount i offer has ended,and there will be no more posting on the site. It works both ways not just one.

worX - 6/2/08 at 06:04 AM

It is a shame that an obvious asset is treated as such.

I felt it was the same for GraemeMK (even though I could understand where some people were coming from to a degree), but I think there needs to be some application of common sense. (some sort of sliding scale etc?)

It's almost like opening the Sun Newspaper and reading about how are government handle certain situations. I will refrain from saying it is disgraceful, but it is pretty bloody pathetic.


welderman - 6/2/08 at 07:42 AM

I am in utter shock, Malc has been very generous with the information, time, effort and help whilst building my turbo, let alone the 3 trips down to see him (6 hours each way).
Malc if your out there, i will pay for your trader subscription mate.

Jon Ison - 6/2/08 at 08:23 AM

Whilst I 100% sympathise with most of your comments I think you will do more harm than good to your business by saying.........

If you post on locostbuilders don't bother to ring me, OK I wont, someone else can have my money.
I was told exactly the same by another trader on here, I never bothered to copy n paste it for others to see as he went into self destruct anyways.

Mr Whippy - 6/2/08 at 08:37 AM

I does sound that your kind of taking it out on the site members who have no control over the issue.

A bit odd though not taking cheques, what's the hardship there, don't you ever go out the house Chris?

[Edited on 6/2/08 by Mr Whippy]

fesycresy - 6/2/08 at 08:49 AM

Anyone with his experience / technical knowledge should be made more than welcome.

I would love to see more posts from the manufacturers and suppliers who have a great deal to contribute.

Unfortunately by the very nature of Locostbuilders, most of us would rather source a secondhand turbo and fabricate the manifold etc. and ring him for technical advice.

I would imagine his money is made with the supply of new components or kits, full turbo builds, engine rebuilds and rolling road sessions.

We are probably no great loss to him. Shame.

muzchap - 6/2/08 at 09:11 AM


Cheques are being phased out generally - but why couldn't you have been offered an instant bank transfer option?

I hope this gets resolved and pretty soon!

I think Chris doesn't really get the time to 'manage' this place effectively - so perhaps it was more of a mis-communication of the situation than a deliberate snub?

I know your frustration and I always *RANT* - but I think in a few days you'll feel different and if the issue is resolved and your advert re-instated - all will be cool

clutch_kick - 6/2/08 at 10:33 AM

Originally posted by fesycresy
Anyone with his experience / technical knowledge should be made more than welcome.

I would love to see more posts from the manufacturers and suppliers who have a great deal to contribute.

Unfortunately by the very nature of Locostbuilders, most of us would rather source a secondhand turbo and fabricate the manifold etc. and ring him for technical advice.

I would imagine his money is made with the supply of new components or kits, full turbo builds, engine rebuilds and rolling road sessions.

We are probably no great loss to him. Shame.

Quite some valid comments there, I think it is very sad to lose such a wealth of info from this forum. However,just to give a different opinion on a small point.

Sometimes it works out cheaper in the long run to buy a full kit rather than botch-up your own. These people have tried and tested the stuff they sell, there is their reputation on it.

If your turbo-conversion goes all wrong, it's not just your £300 second hand turbo that will suffer but most probably your £1000+ engine. Sometimes it pays not to go locost all the way.

Let's hope that things get patched up and we shall soon see Mb Customs back on the forum.

ChrisW - 6/2/08 at 11:10 AM

Lets put a couple of things straight here:

1. You advertised the engine before you even asked about trader status

2. Only after it was removed, and your profile cleared up of ads, did you come forward with the 'Paypal won't take my business card' excuse. This is rubbish - I've used business debit card plenty of times with Paypal with no problem.

3. I asked you to raise a support ticket with Paypal asking them why your card was not being accepted. If it is a valid visa/mastercard, I'm sure they can fix it

4. If you really wanted to sign up, surely you can use your personal card and expense the money to the business?

You are perfectly correct that it works both ways. You may have technical knowledge, but nobody gets a free ride out of something I pay out for every month! If you are here to chat with like minded people, that's no problem, but if you want to advertise a commercial service on which you then make money, which it is obvious you did from the amount of 'plugs' that were in your profile, signature, messages, etc you need to pay for the privilege.

Cheers, Chris

[Edited on 2/6/2008 by ChrisW]

locoboy - 6/2/08 at 12:45 PM

Originally posted by ChrisW but if you want to advertise a commercial service on which you then make money,

I posted an ad some time ago selling items at cost and was willing to provide my purchase receipts foe these to show i was miking nothing on them and i was branded as a non paying trader and told to remove my post.

Trying to use your everyday contacts to help this community is getting harder and harder.

Perhaps i should have sold them for £1 less than i bought them for? Maybe that would have been deemed acceptable by the powers that be.

I doubt it though.

worX - 6/2/08 at 12:55 PM

It was actually myself that changed Malc's profile to have the turbo pictures on there.

I did so, not to advertise his products, but simply as a way of identifying himself as who he is.
It was that simple. (and innocent)

I feel like quite angry now, as all I was trying to do was to help out someone who isn't quite as computer literate as some others on here, and it has turned out like this...

As for your comment about timing Chris, (which I can't believe you phrased: "This is rubbish" Malc, the non computer literate person that he is, said to me immediately that he searched and searched for the Trader status and contribution tags when he signed up, but since nothing of the sort existed (because of your poor management of the site - for whatever reason), he was unable to do so and just continued providing people with specific information when he could spare the few minutes a day to log on. (yeah, ok, so he advertised an R1 aswell)

I apolgise in advance of my poor grammer as I've typed this in a bit of a melee, as I feel quite incensed by these purile actions.


Originally posted by ChrisW
Lets put a couple of things straight here:

1. You advertised the engine before you even asked about trader status

2. Only after it was removed, and your profile cleared up of ads, did you come forward with the 'Paypal won't take my business card' excuse. This is rubbish - I've used business debit card plenty of times with Paypal with no problem.

3. I asked you to raise a support ticket with Paypal asking them why your card was not being accepted. If it is a valid visa/mastercard, I'm sure they can fix it

4. If you really wanted to sign up, surely you can use your personal card and expense the money to the business?

You are perfectly correct that it works both ways. You may have technical knowledge, but nobody gets a free ride out of something I pay out for every month! If you are here to chat with like minded people, that's no problem, but if you want to advertise a commercial service on which you then make money, which it is obvious you did from the amount of 'plugs' that were in your profile, signature, messages, etc you need to pay for the privilege.

Cheers, Chris

[Edited on 2/6/2008 by ChrisW]

welderman - 6/2/08 at 03:06 PM

hey Chris you asked me to remove my sig thing on the profile dodah, it already gone, ,nice to know where peolpe stand.

what happened to freedom of speech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Edited on 2/6/2008 by ChrisW]

Pdlewis - 6/2/08 at 03:24 PM

Come on guys stop give chris a hard time i think it more than reasonable to request payment form anyone to sell who isnt just clearing out the garage (when potentially they are making money and the person who provides the service isnt). The other option, like alot of places would be to charge all of us a flat monthly/yearly fee for using the site and allows us to sell anything.

I dont think anyone one should make money off essentially a free service which will cost chris a fortune to run. Just because desktop PCs are cheap now doesnt mean commercial servers for the volume of trafic this site gets are anywhere near that price let alone the storeage for the pictures/posts anyone who works in the database field like me will more than appreciate how complex this system is to maintain and achive the speed this does. so when you click a link it is almost instant to show the post to put this into some sort of context thats like giving you a pile of 25000 pictures and posts and asking you to find the one about ford diffs in less than a second.

Rant over


worX - 6/2/08 at 03:43 PM

Hi there,

I am in no doubt that it costs a certain amount of money to run this site, and for the most part it runs incredibly smoothly, the "picture situation" you mention above is testament to that fact!

I just found all this a bit harsh. Especially when a couple of things are known about this situation.

Malc tried to reg. as a trader, and would of happily paid a yearly fee so as to remain above board. That is what he is like. Even if he wasn't making money from direct sales on this site. Anyone that's spoken to him knows that he gives information and advice without expecting to get a sale out of it, and puts in the same effort either way.

This would of been evident too on here if he had more time (he's on his own at his shop at the moment) and so time spent on a computer forum was very limitied.

I agree that if certain boundaries were crossed (like the sale of the R1 motor) then maybe something could of been done - lets say an ebay type of commission to ChrisW, I'm sure Malc would of been the first to offer on such a scheme.

But it is simple things, like as mentioned By Locoboy, and not mentioned by GraemeMK - they were merely offering a service where they did not benefit, or benefited so little that given time constraints, no-one in his right mind would call it a profit.

As in the point I made above, maybe some sort of sliding scale (read Common Sense ) should be able to be applied in these instances.
All those couple of guys were trying to do was to offer a Service to help out fellow locosters.

I can see why some people would have a problem with someone making money (they weren't) by selling NON kitcar related items, such as computer and trailer stuff, but they were here for the benefit of others, not themselves.

Sorry if I'm repeating myself, but I don't seem to be able to get this right in my head.

The second reason (also mentioned above) is that it was me that inserted the banner and avatar for Malc. I thought I was doing the guy a favour so that when people read his posts, they realised who he was. THAT IS ALL - I swear that is the case.

Even so, that is irrelevant to a degree, because as said above (again, I know, I'm sorry!!) He DID want to register as a trader...


Originally posted by Pdlewis
Come on guys stop give chris a hard time i think it more than reasonable to request payment form anyone to sell who isnt just clearing out the garage (when potentially they are making money and the person who provides the service isnt). The other option, like alot of places would be to charge all of us a flat monthly/yearly fee for using the site and allows us to sell anything.

I dont think anyone one should make money off essentially a free service which will cost chris a fortune to run. Just because desktop PCs are cheap now doesnt mean commercial servers for the volume of trafic this site gets are anywhere near that price let alone the storeage for the pictures/posts anyone who works in the database field like me will more than appreciate how complex this system is to maintain and achive the speed this does. so when you click a link it is almost instant to show the post to put this into some sort of context thats like giving you a pile of 25000 pictures and posts and asking you to find the one about ford diffs in less than a second.

Rant over


Paul TigerB6 - 6/2/08 at 04:29 PM

I'm confused!! Underneath Malc's username of MB Customs it says "Trader".

Can someone explain this to me at all??

worX - 6/2/08 at 04:33 PM

I think Chris adds that when he inserts the "report this person because he's not signed up" prompt at the bottom of people's posts...

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
I'm confused!! Underneath Malc's username of MB Customs it says "Trader".

Can someone explain this to me at all??

j30fos - 6/2/08 at 05:05 PM

I come here now and again and welcome other peoples links to other sites, most of these car are made up from parts from all over the place, the westfield forum is full of guys linking to other site, I find it helps no end.

Speaking to a few guys on here in the past whilst doing my Turbo build have all said that Malc is a top bloke, he has even helped on my build via a different locoster, just hope this gets sorted ASAP as the locost guys are the real losers in all of this. Knowledge is key.

Macbeast - 6/2/08 at 06:02 PM

As I read it, the initial problem was that Chris insists on PayPal and doesn't accept cheques. Now, being a dyed-in-the-wool Luddite I never ever put banking details, credit cards etc through my computer so PayPal is out for me.

I know people say that on-line payment systems are perfectly safe but I just don't believe it - they said the same about Chernobyl and your Child Allowance personal data.

I would be very happy to contribute to the running costs of this site but it will have to be cash, cheque or Postal Order. I have messaged Chris to this effect but got no reply.

imp paul - 6/2/08 at 08:20 PM


[Edited on 6/2/08 by imp paul]

ChrisW - 6/2/08 at 09:25 PM

My stance is very simple on this. I will not tolerate freeloaders who take advantage of my good will in creating, maintaining, and paying for the upkeep of this site.

I'm sure Malc is a great guy, but if he wishes to advertised commercially, he needs to pay, like everyone else. Having clickable banners in his sig, phone number in the 'Building' tag is obvious commercial exploitation of a free service.
