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Motorcycle Road Tax Petition
trikerneil - 3/8/13 at 04:14 AM

I did a quick search but didn't find anything about this on here and I know a few of you have Bikes.

A petition has been started to review motorcycle road tax in line with the systems used for cars. Most bikes produce less emissions and have smaller engines than most cars, but we're still paying tax based on cc alone.

Petition is HERE.


doobrychat - 3/8/13 at 06:29 AM

OMG with the tax at less than £80 a year for a superbike and anything over 600cc WTF is going on...

Bike tax is cheap and lets be honest if we make the Government inspect it for change they'll only put it up!!

Mr Whippy - 3/8/13 at 06:40 AM

Can't say I ever thought my bikes road tax was excessive and a 125 is free, though they still ask if you want 6 or 12 months of freeness

chrism - 3/8/13 at 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Can't say I ever thought my bikes road tax was excessive and a 125 is free, though they still ask if you want 6 or 12 months of freeness

125's arent tax free, you have to pay a whopping £17 for 12 months, they dont do a 6 month option.

SteveWalker - 3/8/13 at 01:47 PM

I'd be far more interested in a road tax reduction for kit cars and classic cars running on limited mileage policies. It seems somewhat ridiculous that I am paying around twice as much for my kit-car that does only a few hundred miles a year than I am for my tin-top that does 20,000+ miles a year!

Stott - 3/8/13 at 01:56 PM

I think this would be a bad move for motorcyclists.

If I had a choice I'd have the cars back to plg tax too, plus we'd not have all this stop start nonsense and fiddling to get cars in lower tax brackets etc.

If it was implemented you just know it would be £30 for 50s as they are 2 stroke, then up and up to those big bad 1000+s that will then be villified as they are excessive and kill rabbits with their polluting engines, and they'll those energy rating charts all over the brochures, and the manufacturers would have another headache on their hands. The last thing that would happen is the motorcyclist saving money.

Long live the cheap bike tax I say, shhhhhhhhhh, the government haven't noticed they can stuff us for this yet, shhhhhhhh

[Edited on 3/8/13 by Stott]

morcus - 3/8/13 at 05:09 PM

I'm not a biker yet, but looking to start and I agree with those saying don't rock the boat, it won't end well.

Personally I'd like to see RFD scrapped and pay more fuel duty, and as emmissions and fuel economy are correlated it would make perfect sense.

Peteff - 3/8/13 at 10:38 PM

Leave well alone I say
I do ride a big bike and don't mind paying the road fund license, I spend more on beer and chips.