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Target Petroleum N.L shares
cryoman1965 - 16/2/14 at 03:50 PM

A share certificate for this company from. 1970 has been found in my possesion. Cant find the company and if they qre worth anything.
Anyone in the know.



theconrodkid - 16/2/14 at 04:27 PM

can i be you new best friend

cryoman1965 - 16/2/14 at 04:30 PM

Hi C.R.K. I had found that page but as i know sweet f a delisted meant they were worthless. How do i move on to see if they hold any value.


theconrodkid - 16/2/14 at 09:16 PM

i did a bit more research after i posted that and came to a dead end after several name changes so i am afraid they probably are worthless

nick205 - 16/2/14 at 10:50 PM

Might be worth contacting a broker to see if they can trace them. Assuming you're wanting to sell them the broker stands to make commission so should be inclined to take a look.

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