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New 'Top Gear'
Jasper - 20/10/02 at 08:19 PM

So, what did we think?? Good to have JC back, and I like the new format, but no VHB??

theconrodkid - 20/10/02 at 08:54 PM

excelent first prog,hope they all last an hour,good to see the zonta i lent them wasnt being abused!

barrie sharp - 20/10/02 at 09:28 PM

did you catch the comment about ,if you think you could go round the course faster email them surely the cosworth locosts could give them a run for their money?
ps i did'nt like the way they were treating my Lambo

[Edited on 10/20/02 by barrie sharp]

Metal Hippy™ - 20/10/02 at 09:38 PM

Now THAT I'd pay money to see.

The look on their faces may well end up something that'll stay in the memory....

bob - 20/10/02 at 10:41 PM

Well said rich,me too.

I can see 15 mins of fame for the builders list and hicost coming this way soon

I doubt if they would cope with the sarcasm though

Peteff - 21/10/02 at 09:29 AM

Jasper, What's a VHB?

yours, Pete,

bob - 21/10/02 at 09:37 AM

The old dislexia kicking in again jasper,funny thing is it read ok for me first time

interestedparty - 21/10/02 at 10:47 AM

Originally posted by bob
The old dislexia kicking in again jasper,funny thing is it read ok for me first time

Well, at least he won't have to say srroy


Simon - 21/10/02 at 10:51 AM


Quite enjoyed the programme. Certainly different to the old.

Like the hour long format - not such a rush. Hopefully they will feature a more diverse range of motoring (ie not just the Lambo/Zonda sort of thing - that was quite amusing for the first minute or so).

There is so much they could include outside of the usual car reviews - e.g. Us, kitcar, bike, rodding/custom, special etc etc.

Interesting that you have to be doing 170 to beat the camera.

Wonder how the digital ones compare.



JohnFol - 21/10/02 at 11:02 AM

Peteff, a VBH ... . you don't know what a VBH is??????

Big clue. .. Click Here

Not the best I have seen, but the first that came back from a search

Liam - 21/10/02 at 02:07 PM

Top Gear was great - really liked the format and the length. And it's great to have Clarkson back. I learnt that a Zonda really does sound how it does in Gran Turismo 3!!!

Who is this Stig character? And why the secrecy I wonder? Too slim to be Stig Blomqvist which immediately came to mind. Maybe it's the legend that is Tiff Needel, with his identity hidden cos he's still on the Channel 5 books or something? Hmmm...

Yup - real shame about VBH. She's a godess. Here's a nicer picture:


Metal Hippy™ - 21/10/02 at 02:21 PM

You tart Liam.

Good spot though...

Peteff - 21/10/02 at 04:54 PM

I know what a VBH is but it says VHB on the post. The pictures don't show her best feature, it's usually parked on the seat.

yours, Pete

Jasper - 21/10/02 at 06:11 PM

'xcuse the dyslexia, the fingers move faster than the brain, specially when I'm thinking of VHB!!! Nice pic Liam...

Alan B - 21/10/02 at 07:46 PM

Hmm..yeah definitely give her one!

a ride in my car I mean

Peteff - 30/10/02 at 01:46 PM

It looks like the team have been upsetting the neighbours with the noise they make during testing sessions. Their planning permission for the airfield doesn't cover racing apparently, so they will have to call it something else like car comparison .

yours, Pete

barrie sharp - 30/10/02 at 06:48 PM

anyone know where is the test track is ?

john_s - 30/10/02 at 11:01 PM

anyone know where is the test track is ?

It's the former British Aerospace site at Dunsfold in Surrey. They use one of the hangars for the studio.


Simon - 31/10/02 at 04:24 PM

If I remenber rightly, no planning permission is required if what it's being used for doesn't happen more than 30 (ish) days per year.

Anyway why are the neighbours complaining, can't be any worse than an airport for thingys sake.



James - 1/11/02 at 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Jasper
So, what did we think?? Good to have JC back, and I like the new format, but no VHB??

Maybe she's Stig?


JohnFol - 1/11/02 at 11:15 AM

nah, you can tell by the lack of hips.

James - 1/11/02 at 06:16 PM

Oh, okay. I've only seen Stig driving and unfortunately they failed to include much footage from the 'hip' cam!


fastenuff - 2/11/02 at 06:56 AM

just a thought but could it be D. Hill?

johnston - 2/11/02 at 06:38 PM

nah the stig drives too quick to be mr hill

Peteff - 3/11/02 at 11:23 AM

That's polite calling it "hips". There are a couple more points the "Stig" is lacking as well. And we won't discuss the blackened helmet subject. Vicky is far too pretty to hide her light under a bushel I mean.

yours, Pete.

Jasper - 3/11/02 at 09:05 PM

Shame it wasn't Hicost's car, but it was good to see a 'relatively' locost car beat the Zonda, AND it was bike engine, hoorah!!!

theconrodkid - 3/11/02 at 09:20 PM

i thought it would give my zonta a run for its money but didnt think it would beat it,ah well 1 zonta for sale,1 owner never raced etc etc

paulbeyer - 4/11/02 at 12:13 AM


Vicky is far too pretty to hide her light under a bushel

??????? Is it just me who thinks VBH looks like a bag full of slapped twats.

steve m - 4/11/02 at 02:18 AM

and she talks a load of b******s as well
also from postings some were else on "lb"
says she cant drive

bob - 4/11/02 at 08:28 AM

Must admit i'm not a fan of hers,i prefered kate humble the one with the just got out of bed hair

interestedparty - 4/11/02 at 08:39 AM

I don't understand the VBH-worship thing either. Far as I can tell, all she's got is a silly name and a rich daddy


Thought the XTR thing was ok, but they did spin it out, lots of pretty TV but very little useful information

Metal Hippy™ - 4/11/02 at 09:21 AM

Bob, it's partly the hair but she's also got quite a nice pair from what I've seen on telly.

However, I'm certain she's doing one of them scientist people.

JohnFol - 4/11/02 at 09:25 AM

They did spin it out, but did you watch the G-meter?
I seem to recall no other car getting to the 1 g latteral, but the XTR was hitting the high 120's . .

sting - 4/11/02 at 05:16 PM

I think the new top-gear is a lot better than old. Great to see a Westy out pace all the others. As for VBH she`s ok but can`t drive for toffee! Stig is a small guy so could be Johnny Herbert but a doubt they could afford him so who knows.
Anyway which one of you was the guy reading the haynes manual in bed next to the girlfriend?(wasn`t me) tee hee

bob - 4/11/02 at 06:23 PM

Stig must be noel edmonds he's been quiet for a while.

Haynes manual in bed with the girlfriend,got to hold my hand up to that one.SORRY Mrs bob went mad when she caught us

theconrodkid - 4/11/02 at 07:28 PM

re "stig" could be herbert but he has quite a limp when he walks,anyone noticed if stig limps?

Roeland Uitslager - 4/11/02 at 09:51 PM

You British are a bunch of lucky guys. Having a program about cars is one thing, but with Vicky or Jeremy is a class on it's own.

We have a several, but none can stand in the shadows of yours. We've got fifth gear on a commercial, but that's on during rushhour, so I haven't seen her lately.

But JC back on the telly is something I hoped for.

chrisg - 4/11/02 at 11:17 PM

Just an aside , but do you know that VBH once said(whilst driving a twin engined Alfa)"a long shaft between my legs".

I don't remember what else was on that programme, or for much of the next week come to that.



johnston - 4/11/02 at 11:20 PM

jonny doesnt just walk funny he stands funny too cos of the injurys

as bob says could be edmonds i think he was on top gear before throwing his gt40 about

(didnt see it this week apparently it wasnt even shown over here)

wat bout rowan atkinson hes been quiet too and has been known to do a bit of racin

stephen_gusterson - 4/11/02 at 11:24 PM

I am impressed that the Clarkson humour carries across the continent.

I wish they would show his chat show series in America.

They would love the map of the world he had behind him.

quote summat like "I always liked the Americans, until I went there" and the map of the world has the USA completely missing from it. Nothing between the canadian parallel and Mexico.

Now, any Americans reading this, dont get upset. It just appeals to my humour. Been to usa 14 times, like the people - much more friendly than us brits in shops and the like.

Oh yeah, and cart oval racing is so much more interesting than F1. But then so is staring at my feet.



bob - 4/11/02 at 11:25 PM

It'll be someone who's out of work and making a comeback

[Edited on 5/11/02 by bob]

paulbeyer - 5/11/02 at 12:04 AM


It'll be someone who's out of work and making a comeback

So, would that be Gary Glitter, Michael barrymore, John Leslie or Angus Deyton? Hmmmmm

sting - 5/11/02 at 12:43 PM

Stig..............could be Darren Manning.
Anyone see Driven last night with VBH and a Tiff.
She has got a big gob ain`t she?

MK9R - 5/11/02 at 12:52 PM

All the better to ......

Metal Hippy™ - 5/11/02 at 01:27 PM with?

Roeland Uitslager - 5/11/02 at 09:07 PM

About Vicky. She has got a nice couple of cars in her garae. Any change she got a W**********d or C***********m amongst them? Or is she enjoying that big thingy of that Alfa between her you know whats.

All Bullshit aside. I held poll amongst my carmad co-workers today. And we all agree that JC back is great. Thanks for paying the BBC for us guys.

Spyderman - 10/11/02 at 06:16 PM

I guess we are lucky with the number of motoring shows lately, but have you seen "Britains Worst Driver"?

They actually give cars away to people who have been selected as the worst in Britain!
Can you believe that?

Viper - 10/11/02 at 06:35 PM

""About Vicky. She has got a nice couple of cars in her garae. Any change she got a W**********d or C***********m amongst them? ""

Her brother races a caterrerum, no a catrmumnum, no a catermeran, see i can't even bring myself to type it....
personely i have nothing against them apart from some of the people that drive em.

johnston - 10/11/02 at 08:15 PM

mmm mr hill on top gear

stig spins the aston

hill spun every car he raced in f1


stephen_gusterson - 10/11/02 at 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Bull
I guess we are lucky with the number of motoring shows lately, but have you seen "Britains Worst Driver"?

They actually give cars away to people who have been selected as the worst in Britain!
Can you believe that?

Bet they dont have ABS hey BULL :0)



Vaux2.0L - 11/11/02 at 03:20 PM

cant be Damon, he wouldnt get his hair in the helmet. Could be any of the failed Japanese F1 drivers like Nakano or Katyama, they were quite small.

Viper - 11/11/02 at 06:27 PM

Watched the new "Top Gear" last night. well when i say watched, i watched as much as i could, what a pile of poo. its not top gear at all just another Clarkson chat show and that pratt needs taking round the back and giving a damn good thrashing...

interestedparty - 11/11/02 at 06:32 PM

I've only watched small bits of the new Top Gear bit even from those it is obvious that they are having to stretch their material to fill the too-long hour slot. I guess chat is cheaper than useful and informative items about cars etc.


Peteff - 12/11/02 at 11:07 AM

It could be a Jap driver. Just listen to the karaoke backing tapes he listens to. It's their national pastime, second only to whale hunting, isn't it.

yours, Pete.

James - 12/11/02 at 12:58 PM

Originally posted by interestedparty
I've only watched small bits of the new Top Gear bit even from those it is obvious that they are having to stretch their material to fill the too-long hour slot. I guess chat is cheaper than useful and informative items about cars etc.


I'd have to agree that watching the last episode I began to feel they were getting a little desperate for material. I mean, much as I like Steve Coogan's new series I'm not desperately interested in seeing how many bits of old Volvo he can recognise!

Interestingly though, my Mother and girlfriend who were forced to watch last weeks during a nice family TV-Dinner really enjoyed the bit with the Volvo designer talking about how it'd been designed. Whereas all I wanted was to see the doughnuts!



ChrisW - 12/11/02 at 01:47 PM

I quite like the new Top Gear - ok a little limited on actual car facts but Clarkson always makes me laugh.

On the subject of the Stig - we were talking about this in the pub and wondered if it was Tiff - hence the dark helmet etc as he's probably contracted to channel 5. Just an idea - and I've no idea how tall he is.


barrie sharp - 12/11/02 at 06:46 PM

Tiffs really quite short and clarksons quite tall the stig was standing next to clarkson and about the same height.I recon its Hill same driving postion

bsilly - 12/11/02 at 09:06 PM

it is damon hill..... cunny told me last night in the club.....hes related to hills wife.....

JohnFol - 8/12/02 at 06:12 PM

And who's going to win the "White Van Man" race. . .. .


Dazza - 15/12/02 at 03:52 PM

Stop dissin Hill, is is a better driver than all you and me put together, and if you have not already guessed, i am a hill fan.....