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Mega Jolt comms
o2bfinished - 9/5/10 at 10:46 AM

Had a great bank holiday and managed to get the engine started ( much joy )

However when it came to communicating with the newly fitted Mega jolt I hit a bit of a road block. When i purchased the Jlt kit I also purchased the USb to serial port converter. plugged it in and it failed to download the required software as it was not connected to internet. only to find out you have to download some software first.

bought another serial to USb conv at the same spec which did come with its own software and this one appears to connect okay ( The PC seems to recognise it on plugging it in ) however still cannot get the damned thin to link to Mega jolt despite following the instructions to the letter


gavin174 - 9/5/10 at 11:12 AM

Check the Com port the usb adaptor is using and make sure the megajolt tune program is set to the same com port.

Hugh_ - 9/5/10 at 11:21 AM

I failed miserably to get my serial - USB converter to work on my Windows 7 when I upgraded.

Have resorted to using my archaic work laptop which has a serial port...

chris-p-duck - 9/5/10 at 01:39 PM

Hi Matt,

OK silly question time - have you confirmed that the MJ is receiving power? (ie disconnect the module and make sure the power pin on the connector on the fly lead goes to +12 when you switch on the ignition) and if so that when you are trying to open comms that the ignition is on.


o2bfinished - 9/5/10 at 02:06 PM

Yes Mr Duck

The mega jolt has a green light that illuminates when power is on.

Staple balls - 9/5/10 at 06:42 PM

I'd bet the new adapter you got just doesn't work with megajolt. The USB > serial things are remarkably crappy sometimes, took 3 goes to get one that works with my omex.

Anyway, I'd suggest downloading the drivers for the original one, and transferring them onto your laptop using a usb stick or cd or something.

mad4x4 - 9/5/10 at 08:34 PM

there were a batch of megajolts that would down firmware due to a poor batch of Max 232 (comms Chips)

norfolkluego - 10/5/10 at 11:48 AM

Are you running Vista on the laptop, MJ doesn't seem to work with it.
We had exactly the same problem when we first tried to use our MJ a few weeks ago, needed a new lead from Maplins, then had to borrow a laptop running Windows XP.

o2bfinished - 15/5/10 at 04:29 PM

To all,
seem to have made some progress. now getting the message " Time out Reading Cylinder Count2 when i set the config to Port 3

all the other ports give me the same no connection message.

norfolkluego - 15/5/10 at 06:11 PM

If I can comment about kit cars without taking an axe to something (bad day, post coming up)

I seem to remember that was the first message we got before we swopped the lead, think you need a trip to Maplins (other electrical retailers are available)

[Edited on 15/5/10 by norfolkluego]