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MT75 sleedo and reverse sensor
alistairolsen - 13/7/10 at 12:27 PM

Ive got an MT75 box which I want to fit to a jago jeep which has a cable driven speedo head.

The box has this:

and this:

Which I assume are the speedo cable and reverse sensor? Can anyone tell me if a cable fitted to a type 2 4 speed box will fit and it the speedo will remain accurate or did the teeth change?


big_wasa - 13/7/10 at 01:18 PM

Yep first is mech speedo and other is reverse. Early mt75 had both mech and electronic speed sensors.

Its on the near side at the back near the gearbox mount.

paul@firstmotion - 13/7/10 at 08:44 PM

the sqaure drive part of the speedo cable should be the same size the gear will probably not give the correct ratio best to count the drive gear and driven gear teeth on both boxes and compare ratios this will give you some idea as to the difference in ratio's[/url]