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Roll bar / Pedal Box
phelpsa - 29/3/04 at 09:11 AM

Yesterday, while at the gurston hillclimb practice weekend I bumped into an MSA scrutineer, so, I asked him what were the most common problems on 7 type cars.

1. Helmet 2 inches bellow top of roll bar

2. Seal pedal box (as he was a locost builder himself he could tell me how difficult it was)

Hope this will help people planning on entering a hillclimb (or any other race) get through the scrutineering.


Fifer - 29/3/04 at 09:40 AM

Helmet 2 inches below rollbar, what is the tip here ?
Seal pedal box, what do you meen ?

By the way, "running into" a scrutineer will not help you. Was he hurt ?

timf - 29/3/04 at 10:59 AM

from the point of a msa scrutineer

look in the msa blue book for roll cages on opentops you will see there is a min distance for top of helmet and top of roll bar

point 2

the passenger area must be totally isolate(sealed) from the engine compartment- alot of people have the accelerator open on the scuttle area and will fail.

ps i had my foot run over by a compeditor not paying attention suffice to say he failed scruteneering first time

Originally posted by Fifer
Helmet 2 inches below rollbar, what is the tip here ?
Seal pedal box, what do you meen ?

By the way, "running into" a scrutineer will not help you. Was he hurt ?

[Edited on 29/3/04 by timf]

phelpsa - 31/3/04 at 10:04 AM

No he wasn't to hurt, probably only a bruise.
