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Mallory 03/04/11
austin man - 4/4/11 at 09:42 PM

Pics from yesterday at Mallory can be found in my archive, cant figure how to put the link to the file up

[Edited on 4/4/11 by austin man]

adithorp - 5/4/11 at 07:37 AM

Just copy the code below the picture enclosed by square brckets (inc the brackets) and post it into your post...


cadebytiger - 5/4/11 at 08:18 AM

looks like the front it moving faster than the back.... was there a black hole in the vicinity at the time

austin man - 5/4/11 at 08:41 PM

Just got the panning speed a little wrong, I wante to put a link to the folder rather than upload all the pics to one page so if any one can do it that would be good