Is anyone going to watch or indeed compete in the 750 series at oulton on the 4th sept?
Im going to watch and it will be my first time watching any non F1 track racing................quite excited about it now!
[Edited on 6/8/04 by colmaccoll]
I'll be there, competing as number 47. Dickie B should be there too, providing he doesn't catch anything too nasty on his round the world
Really looking forward to racing on the full International ciruit. Lap times are going to be quite long though, i would guess. Well over 2
minutes surely? Probably won't get many actual laps in our 15 minutes then.
Rob, just drive faster and you'll do more laps in the time allowed.
International track - whooppee!!!!!!!!!!
I'll be there Rob, don't you worry.
Dickie B
Locost 71