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Racekits Merlin , any chance to buy one?
alfas - 2/11/16 at 08:48 PM

is there a chance to get one of those, 2nd hand, ready built and tested?

or a similar racecar, nothing too modern, no BEC.

e.g. Darvi would be ok , too.

[Edited on 2/11/16 by alfas]

JacksAvon - 3/11/16 at 08:08 PM

If you are looking .for a Racekits Merlin,Darvi or similar you need to follow the link below to the 750 formula.

On the 750mc site there are currently 1 750 formula car for sale
Also 2 x Formula 750 cars for sale.

Failing that I will have a 1800 Zetec Procomp LA Gold for sale next week


alfas - 6/11/16 at 08:25 AM

thanks for the links.

i´m already a frequent visiter of those pages.

long time no new cars for sale...but now i can see a "new" car advertized : the centaur mk22...that looks nice!!

[Edited on 6/11/16 by alfas]

alfas - 24/11/16 at 11:17 PM

finally the centaur isnt what i searched.

anybody knows a good condition clubman (gryphon) or a scruffy sports2000 for sale?

alfas - 5/8/17 at 10:12 PM

does anybody know a car for sale? tired lots of webpages, bt nothing found.....

Mike Wood - 30/11/21 at 10:48 PM

Did you find a car in the end? Any luck tracking down a Race Kits Merlin?


alfas - 2/12/21 at 04:31 PM

unfortunately i still havent found any.