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race dates for 2004
timf - 2/9/03 at 01:08 PM

are the locost race dates set yet for 2004

if so any races around mid feb

ned - 2/9/03 at 02:19 PM

not normally set this early!

international series are usually set first as they get first dibs on tracks and dates, then national championships and so on (so I've heard)

We race in a National A license championship and our season wasn't provisionally arranged until December and then confirmed in february.


ajullie2 - 4/9/03 at 11:36 AM

1st race of the Locost season for the last 3 years has been around 17th March, so as a rouch guide, this is when Locost 2004 is mot likely to start.

Alex Jullien

DickieB - 8/9/03 at 05:38 PM

I'm told that the MSA has set all the dates for alll motorsport events, less the F1 GP. Apparently some bloke called Bernie is still sticking his oar in...........
Locost dates should be out by Nov.