Hi the video from snett the weekend is up for viewing. Any of the other runners got them to show there was a few with cameras fitted.
As usual very close good clean racing with a chance for any of the first 8 to win the race.
Cheers Matt
PS should have said video was from Alistair garrats orange car #4 . Welldone . You have had a 3rd now a 2nd so maybe a first next time at
[Edited on 18/3/08 by procomp]
Hi just a quick mention as it is not evident on the video. Just how well a couple of people did in the race and qualifying. First simes43
for missing the official qualifying session so qualified out of session and had to start from the very back of the grid and came through to the front
in a very short space of time and could well off won. Drive of the race .
And GazzaP who qualified in his highest place ever for locost in second. But due to minor techinicalities was unable to race.
( cant understand why. He still had two pistons in one piece. No commitment ). Commiserations Garry hopefully with 4 pistons you will be back out
at lydden.
Cheers Matt
Enjoyed that! Love the four (or five) abreast down the straight, plus one on the grass!
Snetterton 15.03.08
couple of laps in practice with something to help focus the mind???
PS Hiya Bro
[Edited on 18/3/08 by Richd]
Originally posted by Richd
Snetterton 15.03.08
couple of laps in practice with something to help focus the mind???
PS Hiya Bro
[Edited on 18/3/08 by Richd]
My contribution
Snetterton round 1 Locost Championship - 15th March 2008
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
You have an engine problem or your changing up at 5000!
nice Vid Richard, good clean dicing and even a clip of me!
It's a carb problem.
Massive hesitation out of russels points to the carb-urretor
Running 25 kgs over the minimum weight and very slow pick up points to too many carb-ohydrates
Seriously. I pulled a plug out after the qualifying (the plugs had done two track days and qualifying) and it was pristine so I thing I may be running
a little lean. And you may be close with the short shifting. The rev counter bounces between 3 & 8000 so difficult to judge where to change
(change light bounces on & off in sync).
However. fantastic battle (shame it was for 18th & not up the sharp end, eh)
Originally posted by ernie
nice Vid Richard, good clean dicing and even a clip of me!