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Handbreak cable with upside down Sierra caliper
John.Taylor - 31/3/09 at 12:05 PM

I have fitted my Sierra calipers upside down to aid bleeding but now I have come to fit the handbreak cable, it comes out of the bottom of the caliper and immediately touches on one of the wishbone/hub mounts. Is this an immediate SVA fail?

If so, has anyone else managed to get around this as I fitted my brake lines and flexi's a year ago and I think that I would have to extend them if I had to swap the calipers around.

Need a quick fix as my SVA is in 3-weeks and I've loads to do!

aka Keith - 31/3/09 at 12:14 PM

Sorry cannot answer on the SVA topic, but I believe that the main reason that the calipers are turned around (which makes bleeding more difficult without taking the calipers off), is so that the handbrake fittings fit.

I do not know if I am explaining myself very well.

On my MK I have to release the calipers so that they can be moved aournd so thay I can bleed them. IIRC they are fitted this was so that the handbrake does not foul.

I could be wrong, and wait others to tell otherwise.

bassett - 31/3/09 at 01:02 PM

Mine sounds the same way up as yours. Ive routed the cable around the rear upright with p clips and rivets and it flows nicely round the upright. Note though that my setup is made from two sierra cables taking the longer ends with the white adjusters to reach the mnr chassis bracket. Wasnt a problem at yestedays sva. Prob got some pics in the blog if interested.

James - 31/3/09 at 01:44 PM

It's been 5 years or so since I did the handbrake on my car... so memory a bit foggy.

Do really *have* to have the callipers the wrong way round on the Indy?

It's fair to say my IRS rear end is fairly (ahem) similar to MKs. I started out with my callipers the wrong way but it was such a PITA for bleeding that I ended putting them the correct way and just being more cunning with the cable routing.

Here's a pic:

Both Options
Both Options

Hope that's some use!


richwill - 31/3/09 at 03:56 PM

This was a fail point on my SVA last week . I am looking into how to get over it. I will let you know how i get on. The reason for failure was that the handbrake cables are at an acute angle where they enter the backplate. I will look at repositioning them and may do it tonight. Also my rear flexi pipes are fouling the lower wishbone and need clipping in some way.

lococost - 1/4/09 at 09:11 AM

Are you sure you mounted them upside down? like this:

tendoshingan - 1/4/09 at 09:53 AM

Yep, I also have mine fitted upside down as there was a problem of the handbrake cable fouling the wishbone.
Have to remove the cable then remove the caliper and turn it around to bleed, the same as others have said.

John.Taylor - 1/4/09 at 11:07 AM


richwill - 6/4/09 at 11:50 AM

i finally got round to sorting the handbreak cable routing. Here are some pics of how it is now.

Missed the photos sorry

[Edited on 6/4/09 by richwill]

richwill - 6/4/09 at 11:54 AM

photos in my archive. still need to reroute the flexi hose or clip up somehow.

[Edited on 6/4/09 by richwill] Rescued attachment Photo0279.jpg
Rescued attachment Photo0279.jpg

major - 13/4/09 at 05:49 AM

Jep, up-side down

brakeline routing back
brakeline routing back

Working on it today.