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Bump steer animation
Alan B - 24/3/03 at 12:09 AM

Guys, I've just been playing with some new software...modelling my front end...real wishbones, but any old rod thrown in for a track rod...makes a great bumpsteer demo.....

As JGG would say...enjoy..

bump steer animation

sg_frost - 24/3/03 at 08:38 PM

tidy. what software have you used for this??

Alan B - 24/3/03 at 09:18 PM

A demo version of Inventor...I had already got the wishbones and frame modeled in Mech. desktop (my usual prog.)...the parts imported easily and the constraints were very easy to apply....

I'll try the real rack next in it's real position...and hopefully the bump steer will vanish (virtually)

It allows you to constrain the movement (in this case it is the min/max damper length)...and then animate and record it....very nice.