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Wanted: Sierra wiper relay
andrew.carwithen - 31/10/13 at 07:55 PM

Hi all,
I'm after a Sierra 4-pin RED intermittent wiper relay if anybody should have one?
Obviously willing to pay appropriate funds/postage etc.
Hopefully someone can help?

Many thanks,

dave r - 31/10/13 at 09:41 PM

most likely got one.... you got the ford part number ?

got a big box f relays from the donors.....

andrew.carwithen - 31/10/13 at 10:12 PM

Sorry, Dave,
I don't have a part no.
But it'll be taller than a normal 4-pin relay and red in colour.
I think I've found a pic of one which I could email to you if it helps? (won't allow me to upload it here)


dave r - 31/10/13 at 10:16 PM

will have a look, but wont be till monday....... if thats any help ?

andrew.carwithen - 31/10/13 at 10:24 PM

Hopefully have now managed to upload a pic

dave r - 7/11/13 at 10:35 PM

found them if you are still looking.... got 2 different types, both red, one like the one in the picture, and one with an extra connection.... both are wiper relays

andrew.carwithen - 8/11/13 at 01:31 PM

Dave, sorry - I managed to source one off ebay - now fitted and working.
However, if I hear of anyone else after one I'll point them in your direction.
Thanks anyway,

Julian Thrussell - 12/11/13 at 12:57 PM

I think all old Fords use these relays. Lots at the breakers.