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Paddle shift cable
Nurburg2006 - 25/4/14 at 11:23 AM

As above I am after a paddle shift push pull cable (cheap:-). ) cheers

PAUL FISHER - 25/4/14 at 12:31 PM

This company supply a lot of the kit car companys, so go direct, they are not expensive that way.

kj - 25/4/14 at 12:59 PM

I have a teleflex cable with the ball joint ends its 1.5m £15.00 plus post if its any good to you.

CosKev3 - 25/4/14 at 03:34 PM

What length do you need it?

Nurburg2006 - 25/4/14 at 03:59 PM

Up 2 1.5 metres I think

CosKev3 - 25/4/14 at 04:31 PM

Pretty sure Steve still has this hanging up in his garage:

kj - 25/4/14 at 06:32 PM

Picture e-mailed

hobbsy - 26/4/14 at 10:47 PM


If the OP doesn't want your cable can you send me a photo as I'm interested

kj - 27/4/14 at 06:29 AM

Will do