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Cheap MK Indy
GrumpyOne - 16/9/09 at 04:00 PM

Cheap MK Indy on fleabay c0.m14

Sorry I don't know how to do the linky thing, perhaps someone could tidy this up and tell us all how to do it?

zilspeed - 16/9/09 at 04:04 PM

Click right here

omega0684 - 16/9/09 at 04:20 PM

those webers look like they could use some tlc!

stevec - 16/9/09 at 04:32 PM

Why do people use a crap mobile phone to take such important photos?
Looks like a nice Chimney on it though.

Dan. - 17/9/09 at 05:13 PM

balls just bought one 5 days ago without an engine / exhaust / wheels for £2K though I think mine is a a fair bit nicer. Still looks a bargain though!