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09 Diesel Civic service
koiking125 - 29/10/11 at 03:14 PM

Hi all,

Had the diesil Civic Type S GT serviced today. The service guy asked if there was anything else i wanterd doing? We had a hole in the drivers floor mat, so asked if you could buy them seperatly but was told no you have to have a set, he then says he will have a look in the valet bay as the change all mats in the trade ins for new ones, came back with a nearly new on for FREE We also had a section the boot trim that had unclipped, so he fixed that.
Best thing was i just mentioned that there was a small amount of corrosion begining to come on the wheels, checked them out and took pictures, outcome, were having 4 new ones fitted next weekend RESULT.

Good mornings work.

Got some grief of the misses, but if you dont ask you dont get.....

Cheers Kev.

bigbravedave - 29/10/11 at 05:02 PM

my friends civic diesel threw a rod a week after the warrenty ran out, the coventry dealer washed their hands of it, eventually agreed to free parts but not labour! the funny thing is he drives like an old man. a week after he got it bk a injector died and the same dealer told him he must have all 4 done! some honda dealers are great the coventry one isnt