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Alone in the wild
nick205 - 17/9/09 at 08:45 PM

Anyone else watching?

It's got me captivated - I'd like to think I could do it, but in reality I'm still scared of the dark

nib1980 - 17/9/09 at 08:46 PM

yep me.

we went there for our honeymoon. and the dark and quiet at night is terrifying

blakep82 - 17/9/09 at 08:46 PM

hmm, i got a bit funny a few weeks back when there was a proper blackout, all the houses, all the streetlights, everything i'm hopeless. i was sitting in my living room too

r1bob - 17/9/09 at 08:52 PM

me watching to! the idea of it totally appeals to me,, but the lack of a beer pump and SPAR,! i would prob last till the end of the program

nick205 - 17/9/09 at 08:52 PM

not just me being a cissy then

nib1980 - 17/9/09 at 08:56 PM

this is where we went

The plane leaving us behind

one of our guides

r1bob - 17/9/09 at 08:57 PM

NOPE ! seem's like a lot of hard work,, fair play to him,!

GrumpyOne - 17/9/09 at 09:07 PM

If you have never seen it before, just wait till you see the ending.

LBMEFM - 18/9/09 at 05:26 AM

My nearest experience to that was that we stayed in a hut, had food cooked on an open fire and help the mahoots (elephant trainers) look after elephants in an Indian rain forest, that was brill. Barry

Andi - 18/9/09 at 07:28 AM

Missed it. Was that the 1st episode??

Me and her stayed on an Indian reservation in the states. Supposed to have been for a week. We lasted one night.
We stayed in a straw hut suspended on the top of a few poles balancing on top of an aligator swamp. No leccy no nothing except for an oil lamp. It wasnt too bad to start with, then all the Indians went home in their big 4x4`s and we were totally alone.
The quite, the dark, the heat and 30+ mossy bites each made it one long night.

An air-con well light motel followed.