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Old dog, new tricks:)
Simon - 9/12/12 at 08:41 PM

Bit of a longshot, and from my point of view another midlife crisis!

Me, 46 1/2 have been thinking I'd like to try and learn to play guitar. Tried years ago at school but wasn't interested, nor was teacher. This time around quite keen and willing to put the effort in.

So, whaddya reckon, could a fat clumsy oldish bloke with not very dexterous fingers ever be able to play, or should I stick to something else.




snapper - 9/12/12 at 08:55 PM

It's all about trying
Then it's about perseverance
A mate of mine in response to my remark " your lucky your so talented" said No I practised a lot

T66 - 9/12/12 at 08:55 PM

It doesnt matter how old your fat fingers are, or how well you play, or how quick you pick it up, if it makes you smile just do it.

Life is about filling with things that make you smile.

So its a yes from me......

PSpirine - 9/12/12 at 08:58 PM

Definitely do it!

Wheels244 - 9/12/12 at 09:00 PM

Simon - I've been having similar thoughts

I'm 45 and thinking of taking up drumming - don't even know how to hold the sticks !

spiderman - 9/12/12 at 09:09 PM

46 1/2 and having a mid life crisis? I'm 50 and have not grown up yet.
If you want to do something don't put it off till later or be put off by what others might say. What is the worst that can happen? Not like it's going to kill you like more extreme pastimes might, such as grizzly bear wrestling, base jumping, or extreme ironing.

Benzine - 9/12/12 at 09:14 PM

do it!

splitrivet - 9/12/12 at 09:17 PM

Why not Im 60 and learning the banjo go to a tutor though for some 1on 1 youll progress faster and not get fed up with it.

Surrey Dave - 9/12/12 at 09:18 PM

I'm 58 and still gigging regularly played since I was about 10 still learning!

Most songs don't have many chords or even difficult chords ,so learn yourself a handful of chords and off you go , takes a few weeks of tenacity but will soon fall into place , if you want to play some lead learn the pentatonic ,major and minor scales and you won't be far out, (E,Clapton has done very well with the pentatonic scale!!)

At the very least it a relaxing fun hobby especially now that every computer can be a hard disc recorder ,and there are loads of clips on Youtube of people showing how to play stuff.

It's not easy at 1st but definitely doable with a bit of perseverance and tenacity.


liam.mccaffrey - 9/12/12 at 09:28 PM

I got cancer when I was 26, nearly didn't make it. I'd always wanted to learn and my mum bought me lessons with an amazing teacher, do it before its too late.

I don't profess to be any good but I enjoy it and my guitar hangs proudly on my wall and get pulled down whenever I get the chance. I love practicing and am improving all the time.

I play fingerstyle guitar (or try to ) my hero is Jerry Reed. In case people don't know, he a guitar legend though you are more likely to know him as Snowman in the Smokey and the Bandit 1, 2, 3

[Edited on 9/12/12 by liam.mccaffrey]

probablyleon - 9/12/12 at 09:57 PM

I'm on the opposite end of this. I've been a professional musician (mostly banjo funnily enough) for 25 years. As well as doing lots of music for TV, adverts, theatre etc I also do a fair amount of teaching. I'd say at least half of all the people I've taught over the years (probably at least a hundred) are men in their 40s and 50's with a burning desire to play some music. It would be a lie to say every single one of them, with the right attitude and level of commitment, could potentially play some decent music, but those that couldn't are in the overwhelming minority. More commonly people don't really have the commitment and burning desire necessary (only you will know if you fall into this category). It does take a massive amount of time and effort, but the rewards are well worth it. Anyway, back to the reason I was looking at locostbuilders, my mid-life crisis

[Edited on 9/12/12 by probablyleon]

Confused but excited. - 9/12/12 at 11:03 PM

It doesn't matter if you fail, only that you try. If you don't, you will always wonder if you could have.
The only things that I have regretted in my life- rapidly approaching 65 - are the things that I didn't do.

vanepico - 9/12/12 at 11:12 PM

Do yourself a favour, get a 12 string, make your playing sound 100% better!

I'm 20 but when I was younger I didn't have enough patience!

If you start off learning things like Neil Young songs which are all made from about 5 chords! Once you know a few chords you can jazz it up a bit with slightly different strumming patterns.

One vital thing is dexterous fingers, that was one of the reasons I didn't get good sooner cause my fingers were tiny, and I didn't believe I would ever remember the chords! After a while you do it subconsciously, I don't even think about it now.

Just about the best relaxation technique ever.


[Edited on 9/12/12 by vanepico]

RK - 9/12/12 at 11:15 PM

I have played guitar for over 40 years. This guy is good. Just remember, it's all in the rhythm; there are only 12 notes.

He makes a good point though, in there somewhere. That is, what do you want to become? Is it to pull groupies? Is it you are a latent Eric Clapton, yearning to express yourself? Do you want to be Valdy, sitting around the campfire? Etc.

It is incredible how the first works like a charm; at least it did when I was a bit younger.

One more thing; it is tempting to get a cheapo guitar and start with that. You will do better, enjoy yourself more, and get your money back easier, with a decent instrument. Think of it as an investment; kind of the opposite to a kit car.

[Edited on 9/12/12 by RK]

mangogrooveworkshop - 9/12/12 at 11:38 PM

I took up UNICYCLING ..........

vanepico - 9/12/12 at 11:40 PM

Originally posted by mangogrooveworkshop
I took up UNICYCLING ..........

It doesn't count as unicycling if three wheels fall off your car you know!

mangogrooveworkshop - 10/12/12 at 12:19 AM

Originally posted by vanepico
Originally posted by mangogrooveworkshop
I took up UNICYCLING ..........

It doesn't count as unicycling if three wheels fall off your car you know!


making music out of trash is 90% of what record labels do everyday

[Edited on 10-12-12 by mangogrooveworkshop]

richard thomas - 10/12/12 at 07:33 AM

Do it!

I bought a couple a few years ago....can I play? Not really, but I can play a couple of riffs which keeps me happy for hours on end....learn a few power chords and you will be a rock god (in your head, anyway....)

Great for unwinding stress, too!


Peteff - 10/12/12 at 09:53 AM

Sign in the guitar shop.

[Edited on 10/12/12 by Peteff]

vanepico - 10/12/12 at 10:14 AM

No stairway? Denied!

Simon - 12/12/12 at 09:21 PM

Guitar ordered

It may be for sale around mid Feb

Fortunately one of wifes friends plays professionally - he may be collared into some cheap lessons/exercises

Cheers all



vanepico - 12/12/12 at 10:27 PM

You gonna learn 'properly' with all those funky lines and crochets or are you going to through guitar tabs? I doubt many people do it the former!
Learn quick, before they take it down on copyright grounds!

[Edited on 12/12/12 by vanepico]

Simon - 12/12/12 at 10:37 PM

I remember trying to learn to read music at school and failing but think that was a lack of enthusiasm so will be trying that again - I guess will be trying to do it properly. Find telly an utter waste of time so have plenty of time in eves when not on bike or swimming. Reckon on a good few hours a week

