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Newbie - What's cheaper to build? BEC or CEC?
Rasteirinho - 18/8/08 at 04:28 PM


I'm newbie in the Locost world and i'm planning to build a Locost.
I would like to know what is cheaper to build: a BEC or a CEC?

Is a Toyota Corolla AE86 a good donor (engine, axle, gearbox, steering gear)?

Thank you for your help.


omega0684 - 18/8/08 at 04:30 PM

depends on where you get all your stuff from, if you live in a scrap yard then im guessing you could build a cec very cheaply.

worX - 18/8/08 at 04:33 PM

There isn't a lot in it to be honest, unless you really want to build an ultra low budget car then the CEC would be cheapest...

Go BEC - you know it makes sense!


TimC - 18/8/08 at 04:44 PM

You'd be mad to break an AE86 - they go for silly money. If it's already rotten then I think it would potentially make an excellent donor. However, I'm not sure if it has double-wishbone front suspension?

tegwin - 18/8/08 at 04:50 PM

If you want a car that drives....then CEC on a budget..

But bang for buck I dont think you could beat a CEC given the cost of electricery needed to run a zetec etc to get similar power/weight as a bike engine....

BenB - 18/8/08 at 04:58 PM

It very much depends on how you intend to obtain your parts.
If you buy a scrapper Sierra and pull it to bits then obviously that's all the suspension, the engine and the gearbox for pennies. You won't beat that with a BEC.

But- a BEC engine (with g/box) can be had for a few hundred. However, if you are insistent on reverse then that adds considerable to the cost of a BEC...

The rest of the car is the same.

IE there's very little in it. A CEC would be cheapest BUT the performance you'ld get would be much less than that obtained by a slightly more expensive BEC....

COREdevelopments - 18/8/08 at 05:59 PM

i have used an ae86 box and back axle, i used an ae92 small port engine. not a locost way but am a toyota nut so had to use them, im glad i did use them as its slightly different gearbox is lighter and diff is lsd.


contaminated - 18/8/08 at 07:11 PM

My god don't break an AE86! They are highly sort after drift pigs!!

mark chandler - 18/8/08 at 08:33 PM

BEC if you want cheap tax every year with great performance!

flak monkey - 18/8/08 at 08:40 PM

CEC everytime. Built my 170bhp pinto powered GTS for under £6k on the road, including the insurance and 6 months tax. Plenty quick enough thank you

Just think, if you pop a bike box or engine its going to cost at least £1k to replace it and a lot more than that if you want something with some serious power. Plus you have all the hassle of needing a CAT for SVA (unless you really want to use a pre 95 knackered bike engine?), TRT props are expensive, etc etc. And even after all of that you dont have a reverse

BECs are great if you do low mileage, or lots of track days. But if you do 5k a year like me then cruising at 7k rpm isnt fun. I can see the benefits of them but only for certain uses.


NS Dev - 18/8/08 at 08:57 PM

Not really a comparison that can be made.

I looked long and hard at this one.

I could achieve the power to weight I wanted with EITHER a haybusa OR a vauxhall 2.0 16v XE engine, both gave much the same performance.

The vauxhall cost £200 for the engine, the 'busa was £3000..........................

seemingly no comparison BUT its not like that, as the vauxhall then needs lots of bits and bobs plus a gearbox etc.

Mine, with just over 200hp vauxhall XE engine, was on the road and SVA'd etc for around £5600.

I'd struggle to build a Busa one for that, but it deedn't be MUCH more if you were careful............

Basically, you won't do either for nowt unless you do it ALL yourself from scratch, but a very fast, nicely built car can be put together for around £5500, either bike or car engined.

A "quick" and fun one can be put together for around £3000, again either bike or car engined..............

Rasteirinho - 19/8/08 at 03:23 PM

Well my main objective with the Locost is to participate in some Trackdays because to legalize a locost in Portugal is almost impossible given all the burocracies associated.

So the Locost will be used only a few times per year.
The fact of having reverse or not, isn't important giving the trackday only usage.

Since i have restored an AE86 during the last 2 years, i have a spare car for parts which has a severe crash in the back.

From this car i can have everything, except the front uprights because it only has the one brace (the lower) instead of two like the cortina, old hiaces, etc.

As i work in Toyota national representative in Portugal i can have Toyota parts at very good price, which is also a fact i must consider...

I would love to have the 12.000 rpm and sound of a BEC and the sequential gearbox.
However, i feel i can build a CEC for much better price.

But i don't want to have regrets about the choice i will made, whatever it will be...

NS Dev - 19/8/08 at 06:10 PM

the toyota AE86 (4age) engine is a good engine, great in a locost, nice combination of revs and torque spread. Its light as well