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Anyone going to...?
ChrisW - 6/8/02 at 12:44 PM

Anyone going to Ultimate Street Car this weekend or is it a bit 'boy-racer' for you lot?


chrisg - 6/8/02 at 07:16 PM

No Chris,

Bit "mature" for that. I find that the no of lights that the manufacturers fit to be adequate, never felt an urgent need for blue lights on my windscreen washers or a cabon fibre gear lever, and as for the "wireless",
so long as I can hear my Barry manilow tape I'm fine, being able to make the windows blow out of their seals is not a high priority.

"Boy Racer" is a term of abuse BTW, not a compliment.



ChrisW - 6/8/02 at 08:07 PM

On the contrary Grandpa, it's not quite as bad as you make out. Yes, I admit, there is a bit of 'bolt as many bits on as possible' but also a lot of stuff us more mature boy racers are interested in. Particular memory from last year was a mid-engined 5 turbo powered Mini annhialating a Lambo diabolo down the quarter mile. Oh, and there's plenty of Mexicos and Pops to check out.

Now go fetch your slippers and mug of cocoa!


chrisg - 6/8/02 at 08:13 PM

It's too far anyway - bring me back some purple window tint and a 8 inch tailpipe for my 950 cc Nova!!!



ChrisW - 6/8/02 at 08:27 PM

Only an 8" tailpipe? You need at least 10" for a 950cc! Dunno where to get purple tint from tho I'm afraid.

Cheers, Chris.