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At stoneleigh now
jack_t - 1/5/10 at 05:45 PM

Hi guys at stoneleigh and set up camp weather is great dry as a bone and there is plenty on show and the show hasn't even opened yet anybody intrested in buying my
2010 mk indy r it is situated on the end of the Kent kitcar club stand just down from the westfield experiance
have a good show guys

jacko - 1/5/10 at 05:51 PM

Hope to see you tomorrow
Keep sending the weather forecast

Mr G - 1/5/10 at 05:55 PM

Originally posted by jack_t
anybody intrested in buying my
2010 mk indy r it is situated on the end of the Kent kitcar club stand just down from the westfield experiance

See Davegtst's post HERE

theconrodkid - 1/5/10 at 06:07 PM

get the kettle on,be there by morning

flak monkey - 1/5/10 at 06:28 PM

Here too, weather still fine a dry. cloudy but ok. lots of cars here already.

been here since about 1ish

imp paul - 1/5/10 at 06:47 PM

hope to go in the morning see you all soon

locoR1 - 1/5/10 at 07:06 PM

I hope this is wrong or you lot are going to get washed away during the night
Doesn't look very promising for me in the morning


Doofus - 1/5/10 at 07:31 PM

Wonder if there will be a "posted from my iPhone" message at 4am???

stevegough - 1/5/10 at 08:32 PM

Total nonsense!

Remember last year?

Shorts and tee shirts!

It'll be just the same this year!

Weather forecasters know nothing!

( it doesn't hurt to be an optimist )

But I'm going on monday as the forecast is better!!!

Enjoy the sunshine (+showers) guys and have a great weekend!

Just to cheer you up, this is me and t'missus just 5 weeks ago - it was 39 degrees! (mind you, it was in Perth, WA)!!

locoR1 - 1/5/10 at 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Doofus
Wonder if there will be a "posted from my iPhone" message at 4am???

Going something like "Help i cant swim"

jack_t - 1/5/10 at 09:00 PM

IT'S on and off raining at the moment

Mr G - 1/5/10 at 09:25 PM

They grow big pineapples in oz then Steve

Fozzie - 1/5/10 at 10:52 PM

Steve is that Kings Park? ... overlooking the Swan River? ... Sure does look familiar...


Nash - 1/5/10 at 10:52 PM

10 to midnight and it's persistantly raining here at Stoneleigh.

However we've had a hoot since 3pm this afternoon on the SKCC club area with BBQ, music and beer. Awning all ok and tent is dry, it's not cold so all is good.

See you all tomorrow.

....... Neil

russbost - 1/5/10 at 11:03 PM

Absolutely hissing down - glad I'm not under canvas!!!
Any of you guys camping or coming tomo or Mon drop by the Furore stand & say hi!


eddie99 - 2/5/10 at 05:38 AM

FAking freezing night, somehow water had managed to get into my sleeping bag before I got in it last night!! The weather can only improve!!

stevegough - 2/5/10 at 09:09 AM

Originally posted by Fozzie
Steve is that Kings Park? ... overlooking the Swan River? ... Sure does look familiar...


You sound like you've been there, Foz - but no, it isn't kings park, but the strip of grass between riverside drive and the swan river edge. (right by the big "pineapple" as Mr G dubbed it!)

Having said that, you were only about 1/4 of a mile out Fozzie.....

Are you going to stoney?

Fozzie - 2/5/10 at 04:15 PM

Originally posted by stevegough
Originally posted by Fozzie
Steve is that Kings Park? ... overlooking the Swan River? ... Sure does look familiar...


You sound like you've been there, Foz - but no, it isn't kings park, but the strip of grass between riverside drive and the swan river edge. (right by the big "pineapple" as Mr G dubbed it!)

Having said that, you were only about 1/4 of a mile out Fozzie.....

Yep...Yep .... I knew I recognised it! ..... ...

Celebrated Australia Day a couple or so years back, so near that very spot.....We were at that spot all day...and into the evening to watch the Fireworks .....

A few weeks before that we were seeing in the New Year actually at Kings Park, near the memorial, having a picnic washed down with strawberries and champers.....whilst watching the fireworks....
We were whisked there straight from the airport when we seemed so surreal at the time....

No not going to Stoney Steve....we only really had today to ourselves off, and the weather was so grotty, we decided not to go....

Hope all who are there are not too wet and soggy ....


prawnabie - 2/5/10 at 04:21 PM

Hang on fozzie - if your not at stoneleigh who was the person handing out the lCB leaflets???

Fozzie - 2/5/10 at 04:32 PM

Originally posted by prawnabie
Hang on fozzie - if your not at stoneleigh who was the person handing out the lCB leaflets???

Eeeerrrmmm ...dunno.....p'raps it was Mrs ChrisW? ....

Deffo wasn't me ...


bob - 2/5/10 at 06:02 PM

Sadly missing stoneleigh this year, i think i will just turn the central heating up a bit to make up for it.

hope you guys have a better night tonight

ChrisW - 2/5/10 at 06:29 PM

Action shot, altho not the most flattering.

Her name's Naomi, and she's deffo not Mrs ChrisW!


flak monkey - 2/5/10 at 07:09 PM

We came home. Not having the car there made me grumpy!

rusty nuts - 2/5/10 at 07:31 PM

Originally posted by flak monkey
We came home. Not having the car there made me grumpy!

Miserable old git! At least I'm going to be tucked up in a nice warm bed tonight even if I'm missing the Luego barbie