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good day gone bad but still gr8
repper - 22/12/12 at 07:55 PM

back in august myself and amate got an invite to go to aintree and be part of an event called sporting for bears it charaty for sick kids and parents to spend time having rides in all types off cars
we had supper day giving rides to any the wanted one it was all fun no rain for achange but on the last run off the day on full chat down the back stright the motor droped on to 3pots the then just as my mate dipped the clutch the motor locked up solid
after striping it down it was not good news the comrod bolts had snaped that then mulered the bloke and bent the crank and some damage to the head but saveabull
but it was worth it see the smiles on all the faces and had a brill day and cant wait for next year

[Edited on 22/12/12 by repper]

otodb - 22/12/12 at 08:09 PM

Hi, The Motor Club is The 'Sporting Bears', web site is:-

We gave 'Dream Rides', (10 miles on the public roads), as the club calls them at the Classic Car Show at the NEC & in 3 Days the Club raised just over £32,000. All the cash raised goes to childrens charities. The club is funded by members subscriptions & the end of each year there is normaly some cash over from running the club & this is put into the charity fund.

We get a real kick from the folks who ride in our cars with the smiles on their faces when the ride is finished.

The club is country wide & raises money at various events throught the country.

The club has been running for around 22 years & at the NEC they hit the £1 million raised in that time.

All the best,


Stott - 22/12/12 at 08:33 PM

I do the Stroke Association Supercar Saturday, done it for 3 years now, we take paying rides around Castle Combe and all proceeds go to charity.

It's great to be fair