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sunday 17th brecky anyone ?
theconrodkid - 10/2/13 at 07:41 AM

theconrodkid - 17/2/13 at 01:41 PM

that was erm....different,the local knitting circle were singing happy birthday to someone and a pair of strange women joined us at our table.
food was pretty good and there was somewhere to sit down either inside or out,looks like it could be a meet for the summer

James - 17/2/13 at 02:12 PM

Originally posted by theconrodkid
that was erm....different,the local knitting circle were singing happy birthday to someone and a pair of strange women joined us at our table.
food was pretty good and there was somewhere to sit down either inside or out,looks like it could be a meet for the summer

Did you pull John?

Just think, you could get all those holes in your socks fixed!

bob - 17/2/13 at 11:17 PM

Originally posted by theconrodkid
that was erm....different,the local knitting circle were singing happy birthday to someone and a pair of strange women joined us at our table.
food was pretty good and there was somewhere to sit down either inside or out,looks like it could be a meet for the summer

Sorry john but i cant really be asked to trudge around the M25 and upwards just becase they have a seat and the food is ok, Newlands always wins for me and i get to see cars bikes and no knitting circle