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Goodwood Revival
liam.mccaffrey - 7/7/13 at 02:04 PM

Is goodwood suitable for a mad 2 and a half year old? Is there kid type stuff to do?

Dave Bailey - 7/7/13 at 04:12 PM

Sorry in my opinion... Not really... A little older and it is a fantastic history lesson....

Dave B

TheGiantTribble - 7/7/13 at 06:00 PM

Yes, with the proviso it depends upon the child.
Took my 2 year old a couple of years ago, he loved the cars, hated the end of each race, as he couldn't work out where the cars disapeared to.
And usually there is a fun fair as well, full of old style carrasells and swing boats, very in keeping with the period feel of the event.
Worth taking ear defenders just in case the volume gets a bit much for young un.